
  • 网络CUTTING;engraving;sculpture;knurling
  1. 春秋晚期,铁器的使用,为青铜器刻纹技术的发展奠定了物质基础。

    During the late Spring and Autumn Period , with the use of ironware , the foundations were laid for the development of bronze engraving techniques .

  2. 黑莓bold重4.8盎司,机身正面主要被qwerty键盘占据,带有刻纹的按键大得出奇。

    The front of the BlackBerry Bold , which weighs 4.8oz , is dominated by the QWERTY keyboard with surprisingly large sculptured keys .

  3. KWZ-160型自行式水泥混凝土路面刻纹机的研制

    Development of KWZ-160 Type Self-cutting Groover for Cement Concrete Pavement

  4. 刻纹光纤传感阵列神经网络处理的可行性研究

    Feasibility of Neural Network Processing for Etched Optical Fiber Sensor Array

  5. 在铝晶体表面上刻纹所导致的滑移的特征

    Characteristics of glide caused by the scratches on aluminium single crystals

  6. 刻纹光纤温度敏感特性的理论与实验研究

    Theory and Experiment of Temperature Sensitivity of Etched Optical Fiber Sensor

  7. 金属敷层刻纹光纤温度传感器的特性研究

    Properties of the etched optical fiber temperature sensor with metal coating

  8. 刻纹光纤传感器的原理及灵敏度分析

    The Principle and the Sensitivity Analysis of an Etched Fiber-Optic Sensor

  9. 刻纹光纤温度传感的灵敏度研究

    Research on The Temperature Sensitivity of Etched Optical Fiber Sensor

  10. 长沙楚墓针刻纹漆奁

    Lacquer Lian Toilet Box with Needle-incised Design from a Chu Tomb at Changsha

  11. 不对称刻纹光纤应变传感器的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Asymmetrically Etched Fiberoptic Strain Sensor

  12. 生物量优势种为刻纹蚬、萝卜螺和摇蚊。

    The biomass was mainly contributed by Corbicula largillierti , Radix sp. , and Chironomus sp.

  13. 介绍一种新型的金属敷层刻纹光纤温度传感器,对其测温原理进行了研究。

    The working principle of a novel optical fiber temperature sensor with metal coating is analyzed .

  14. 刻纹光纤温度传感器

    Etched Fiber Temperature Sensor

  15. 浅释洛阳新获战国铜匜上的刻纹图案

    Explanations of the Designs Carved on the Bronze Yi of Warring State Period Newly Discovered in Luoyang City

  16. 只需简单地拆卸软管连接并轻轻拉法门出口处阀杆有刻纹的末端,使残留水排放出来。

    Simply remove hose coupling and lightly pull knurled tip of stem at outlet of valve to allow drainage of collected water .

  17. 在中心有一个洞和精细的螺旋刻纹,是近乎书写状连续螺线。

    There was a hole in the center of and a fine spiral groove that is a continuous spiralling line of closely written characters .

  18. 从理论上分析了温度变化对刻纹光纤中传输光功率的影响,计算出它的输出功率的温度灵敏度δP/P·δT为10~(-6)/C量级。

    The changes of optical power induced by temperature are theoretically analyzed in etched optical fiber . The temperature sensitivity of output power δ P / P ·δ T is calculated to be about 10-6 / C.

  19. 这些工艺为西周、东周青铜器所沿用,但到东周时期又出现了火蜡熔模、铸镶红铜、镶嵌金银、刻纹、鎏金银、贴金银等新工艺。

    Other new technology were adopted in Dong Zhou period , for example : lost wax investment cast , framed red copper , gold and silver inlay , marking , gilt silver , gold and silver stickers .

  20. 出土于中国中部河南省安阳殷墟的商代晚期几何纹白陶瓿,是商代刻纹白陶的代表作品。

    A white pottery vase with ge-ometrical patterns of the Shang Dynasty was excavated from the Yin Ruinsin Anyang of Henan Province , and it is the representa-tive of white potfery with carved patterns in the Shang Dynasty .

  21. 科学家猜测这是因为小孩更容易被抓到,而且吃了对手的孩子可以防止对手繁衍壮大。西班牙“国家人类进化研究中心”研究人员之一的卡斯特罗称头颅底部的刻纹显示这些人曾经被割去了头颅以便食人者从中取得营养骨髓。

    Study coauthor Jos é Mar í a Berm ú dez de Castro , of the National Research Center on Human Evolution , said that marks near the base of some skulls hint that the diners decapitated humans to get the brain goodness inside .

  22. 提出了一种新颖的、采用周期性对称与不对称刻纹多模光纤组成的传感阵列网络,可用于智能材料与结构的应力、应变等的状态探测或损伤估计。

    Presented in this work is a novel fiberoptic sensor array which is made of symmetric and asymmetric periodically etched multimode optical fibers . It may be applied to detection of structural states such as stress , strain or damage assessment in smart material and structures .

  23. 瓿体上布满纹饰,以凸雕的主纹和细密线刻的地纹组成绚丽的图案。

    The body of the vase is covered with pcrtterns.The main patterns in relief and the detailed shadings form a florid design .

  24. 加工方式:蚀刻、阴刻、蚀凹纹底、凹字、凸字蚀刻烤漆、上色、卡典贴色。

    Processing : etching , incised , corrosion intaglio bottom concave , convex , word word etching paint , color code , color card stickers .