
  • 网络Miao kheik det
  1. 机场沥青混凝土刻槽道面耐久性及安全性研究

    Study on Durability and Safety of Groove in Airport Asphalt Pavement

  2. 有那么一刻她哀求道:“放了我吧。”

    At one point she begs : ' Let me go . '

  3. 那一刻我不禁想道这真美啊

    I thought for a minute , " Isn 't this beautiful ?

  4. 你应该看看它最美的一刻,他坚持道,那就是在夜幕降临、黄色的灯光洒满街道的时候。

    You should see it at its most beautiful , he insists . That 's when night falls and the yellow light spills out on to the street .