
  1. 用民俗学的方法研究河曲民歌,这既是河曲民歌丰厚的民俗底蕴向我们发出的阐释与解读的呼唤,也是深化河曲民歌研究、开拓民歌研究范围的新的尝试。

    Studying Hequ folk song with folklore way is the call of rich Hequ folk custom for us to illuminate and interpret , is also a new try to further and widen the folk song study .

  2. 本文主要是对山西民歌的两大流派,即左权民歌与河曲民歌的发展现状及发展前景做一探析与对比研究。

    This paper is mainly to the shanxi folk songs of the two great schools , namely ZuoQuan folk songs and folk songs in hequ area of the present situation and development prospect this and comparative study .

  3. 河曲民歌与左权民歌,因为隔着汾河,历史和现实中都很少相遇,两者之间的对比研究即是本文的主要研究内容。

    Folk songs and then comes back ZuoQuan folk song , because across fenhe , history and reality are rarely meet , the contrast between the two studies are the main research contents is in this paper .

  4. 我们相信,这种研究尝试不仅有助于我们对河曲民俗加深了解,而且对我们认识河曲民歌以及思考对当代民歌的研究如何在传统研究方法的基础上开拓新的思路,都有着很大的帮助。

    It not only help us make a deeper known but also have a good contribution to learn folk song and think how to find a new way based on traditional method about current folk song study .