
  • 网络Hemudu Site
  1. 水,是成就河姆渡遗址价值和声誉最关键的媒介。

    Water is the most important medium that has accomplished the value and reputation of Hemudu Site .

  2. 中国是世界上最早种植水稻的国家。浙江省余姚县河姆渡遗址,距今已6,000多年。在这个遗址中发现分布遍及400平方米的水稻遗物,证明中国是最早种植水稻的国家。

    China was the first country in the world to plant rice . This is evident in the remains of rice covering an area of 400 square metres found in the ruins of Hemudu in Yuyao County , Zhejiang Province , which dates back more than 6000 years .

  3. 河姆渡文化同样在舟山群岛被发现。

    Hemudu sites were also discovered on the islands of Zhoushan .

  4. 这里是全国重点文物保护单位河姆渡文化遗址。

    Hemudu cultural ruins is a protected national heritage site .

  5. 河姆渡遗址与1973年被发现。

    The site at Hemudu was discovered in 1973 .

  6. 河姆渡文化是最早种植水稻的文化之一。

    The Hemudu culture is one of the earliest cultures to cultivate rice .

  7. 是不是就是河姆渡遗址的标志?

    Is it the symbol of Hemudu Ruins ?

  8. 南方的河姆渡文化已在湿润土壤上的水稻种植为代表,

    Hemudu culture in the south was represented by rice agriculture on wet land ,

  9. 浙江余姚河姆渡古代陶片的穆斯堡尔谱研究

    Mossbauer study of Chinese ancient pottery

  10. 一些乐器例如骨哨和木鼓同样在河姆渡被发现.

    Music instruments , such as bone whistles and wooden drums , were also found at Hemudu .

  11. 河姆渡文化与马家浜文化以两种分离且不同的文化共存并互相交流。

    The Hemudu culture co-existed with the Majiabang culture as two separate and distinct cultures , with cultural transmissions between the two .

  12. 大多数在河姆渡被发现的手工艺品由骨头组成,例如用于种植水稻的由肩骨制成的锄头。

    Most of the artifacts discovered at Hemudu consist of animal bones , exemplified by hoes made of shoulder bones used for cultivating rice .

  13. 河姆渡文化中的“双鸟负日”图案是河姆渡氏族集团的复合图腾。

    The picture of two birds carrying the sun on their backs in the Hemudu culture was a compound totem of the Hedumu clan groups .

  14. 其中最重要的有仰韶文化、大汶口文化、河姆渡文化、半坡文化、龙山文化和马家窑文化。

    among which Yangshao Culture , Dawenkou Culture , Hemudu Culture , Banpo Culture , Longshan Culture , and Majiayao Culture are of the greatest .

  15. 宁波历史悠久,是有7000年文明史的河姆渡文化的发祥地,自古以来就是中国对外贸易的重要港口。

    Ningbo is a city with a long history . It 's the cradle of Hemudu culture with a7000 year history which was an important trading port .

  16. 大量人工栽培稻谷的发现,以及与水稻生产相联系的众多骨耜的出土,说明稻作文化是河姆渡文化的象征。

    From plenty of artificially cultivated rice remains , it demonstrates that the Hemudu culture is symbolized by rice farming , which is logically based on water .

  17. 无数植物的遗迹,包括菱角、荷花、橡树果实、豆子、芡实和葫芦在河姆渡被发现。

    The remains of various plants , including water caltrop , Nelumbo nucifera , acorns , beans , Gorgon euryale and brottle gourd , were found at Hemudu .

  18. 河姆渡遗址是我国东南沿海极为重要的新石器时代遗址,出土的众多文物充分反映了河姆渡文化中独具特色的水文化。

    Hemudu Sites is an important site in the Neolithic Age with plenty of cultural relics that fully reflects the particular feature of water culture in the Hemudu Culture .

  19. 两次大洪水使附近的姚江河改变了它的河道,土地被盐淹没,迫使河姆渡人民放弃他们的居住。

    Two major floods caused the nearby Yaojiang River to change its course and inundated the soil with salt , forcing the people of Hemudu to abandon its settlements .

  20. 河姆渡文化(公元前5000年——公元前4500年)兴起于江南杭州湾的南部,也就是今天的中国浙江省余姚市。

    The Hemudu culture ( 5000 BC to 4500 BC ) was a Neolithic culture that flourished just south of the Hangzhou Bay in Jiangnan in modern Yuyao , Zhejiang , China .