
  1. 但这是你过去世的母亲。

    But this is your mother from one of your past lives .

  2. 我曾经认为那是一个自我设计的记忆,并非什么过去世的。

    I thought it was an ego-designed memory , not a past life .

  3. “在过去世,你曾是伟大的演说家,”他说。

    " You were a great orator in a past life ," he says .

  4. 你不记得你的过去世,即使今世,你也不记得童年往事。

    You do not remember your past existence ; you do not even remember most of your childhood .

  5. 我因从未听说过」「过去世」所发的愿而困惑,不过经她们的解释和鼓励,我就宽心了。

    Never before had I heard of " past life " vows , and was baffled , but relieved by their words and their explanation .

  6. 在过去世,我们的师尊为人们作了许多巨大的服务,所以在这一生,师尊就成为了人们的领袖。

    In previous life our Master did many great services for the people , and so in this life our Master has become a leader for the people .

  7. 我们已经在过去提到过那些已经去世的灵魂们,他们都有同样的机会达成扬升,因为你们中的有些人依旧存有疑问。

    We have previously mentioned that those souls who have departed the Earth , will have exactly the same opportunity to ascend as those of you still on it .

  8. 午夜刚过,他就去世了。

    Just af - ter midnight he died .

  9. 老太太未捱过那个时辰就去世了。

    Old lady died within the hour .

  10. 在卡鲁斯死于雷击之后,他的儿子努梅里安(Numerian)和卡里努斯(Carinus)分别统治了东罗马和西罗马,但是没过多久努梅里安就去世了。

    When Carus was killed by a bolt of lightning , his sons Numerian and Carinus assumed control of the East and West empires respectively , but it wasn 't long before Numerian died .