
  • 网络Past and future
  1. 不过,如果你用觉知把身体填满,并且能够维持那个遍觉知,就不可能闪入过去未来了,除非你想去。

    But if you 're filling the body with your awareness and can maintain that full awareness , you can 't slip off into the past and future unless you want to .

  2. 一掣现在的铃,无限的过去未来皆遥相呼应。

    The bell is now a button , unlimited in the past are echoed in the future .

  3. 二周用现代文体抒写了现代社会中孤独的生存体验及身处过去未来交界处的中间意识。

    With the modern style of prose , Lu and Zhou have expressed the modern awareness of individual 's loneliness and consciousness of transition .

  4. 深入阅读:ProjectHarmony,过去和未来

    Further reading : Project Harmony , past and future

  5. 基于CNNIC关于网络信息数量资源的调查报告与北大天网实际搜集所获得的数据,根据Web发展变化的数学模型,该文对过去和未来国内可公开访问网页的数量进行了一种估计。

    Based on the research reports of CNNIC and Beida TianWang , this paper gives an estimation on the number of publicly accessible Web pages in China according to the mathematical model of the Web evolution .

  6. 本文讨论和分析国际会计准则委员会核心准则的过去与未来。着重研究来自IOSCO成员对核心准则的反应,特别是关注美国的反应。

    This article focuses its attention on the responses related to the core standards from IOSCO 's members , especially from the U.S.A.

  7. 利用气候变量实现对NDVI所表示的植被绿度信息的预测,以表达生物圈过去和未来状态,对全球变化研究是非常重要的。

    It is very important to research on global change to predict vegetation green & up information showed by NDVI using climate variations , because the relationship between NDVI and climate variations can be used to predict past and future status on earth .

  8. 第一个是过去与未来在热力学上的区别。

    The first is the thermodynamic distinction between past and future .

  9. 为何我们不观照过去或未来的事物?

    Why don 't we meditate on things past or future ?

  10. 中国农业科学技术:过去和未来

    Agricultural sciences and technology in China : Reviews and prospects

  11. 按方案领域开列的过去和未来资源分配情况

    Distribution of resources by programmes fields , past , future

  12. 研究人员说,深思你的过去或未来,通常是找不到幸福感的。

    Happiness is not generally found in contemplating the past or future .

  13. 你太关心过去和未来的事了。

    You are too concerner with what was and what will be .

  14. 他看见现在、过去和未来,

    Who present , past , and future , sees ;

  15. 中国社会保障制度过去与未来

    The Past and Future of China 's Social Security System

  16. 我国单位体育的过去和未来

    The past and the future of unit sports in China

  17. 空间没有大失去小,时间没有过去失去未来。

    Space without greatness loses diminutive , and Time without past loses future .

  18. 饮料纸杯:过去与未来

    Paper drinking cups : the past and the future

  19. 它夹在过去和未来之间。

    It is caught in a limbo between the past and the future .

  20. 所有语言使用相同的时态,包括现在,过去和未来时态。

    All languages use the same tenses including present , past and future .

  21. 宽恕让你放手过去着眼未来。

    Forgiveness allows you to focus on the future without combating the past .

  22. 在农业景观设计中,提取传统景观符号,可以有效地连接过去和未来,彰显其地域特征。

    In agricultural landscape design , the traditional landscape symbols should be extracted .

  23. 过去与未来何者在前?

    Future or Past : Which is in Front ?

  24. 红土矿的过去与未来

    The past and the future of nickel laterites

  25. 此外,她的股票信息关于她的过去和未来在电影制作。

    In addition , she shares information regarding her past and future in filmmaking .

  26. 练习把注意力集中在“现在”,忘掉过去和未来的念头。

    Practice focusing on'the now'and let go of thoughts of the past and future .

  27. 航空记录器的过去和未来

    The Past and the Future of Aviation Recorders

  28. 过去与未来都是真实的。

    The past and future are equally real .

  29. 有些重过去轻未来,有些又正好与此相反。

    Some focus more on the past than the future , or vice versa .

  30. 世纪末的思索&从科学技术的发展看建筑的过去与未来

    Study the Past and Future of Architecture From the Development of Science and Technology