
tài kōnɡ bù
  • imitating a spaceman's walk
  1. 有人表演他的招牌太空步,唱着他的流行歌曲。

    Others practiced his signature moonwalk and sand Jackson pop songs .

  2. 我们当时有随身听不走太空步今天不走太空步

    We had the Walkman No. No Moonwalking . No Moonwalking today .

  3. 而实际上,迈克尔·杰克逊并没有发明太空步。

    However , Michael Jackson didn 't invent the moonwalk .

  4. 那时的音乐全是麦克尔和太空步。

    Music was all about Michael and the Moonwalk .

  5. 尽管他并没有发明太空步,但他却将他发挥到了极致。

    Though he did not invent the moonwalk , he certainly perfected it .

  6. 现在你可以像迈克尔杰克逊一样滑太空步了。

    And that 's how you do the Moon Walk just like Michael Jackson .

  7. 太空步是一种视觉幻象效果,需要多加练习。

    The moonwalk is a kind of an illusion and takes alot of practice .

  8. 迈克尔甚至教他走太空步。

    Michael even taught him to moonwalk .

  9. 太空步是有史以来最著名的舞步之一。

    The Moon Walk is one of the most famous dance moves of all time .

  10. 在迈克尔登台表演太空步之前,它被称作“滑步”。

    Before Michael started doing the moonwalk on stage , it was called " the backslide . "

  11. 吃到这里的中式乳猪时,我都快要跳太空步了。

    And I was almost ready to moonwalk when I tasted the restaurant 's Chinese-style suckling pig .

  12. 接下来就用仅仅三分钟的时间来学会迈克尔杰克逊的太空步技巧吧。

    Learn how to dance the Michael Jackson way with this simple three minute tutorial on the moon walk technique .

  13. 他从托娅的建议中得到启示,太空步的灵感最初源自在贫民区街头表演的小孩子。

    He echoed LaToya 's suggestion that the move originally came from street kids who were performing in the ghetto .

  14. 这些年来,关于迈克尔如何在表演中使用太空步的说法不尽相同。

    Over the years , different stories have been told to describe how Michael came to use the move in his show .

  15. 在1983年的一次电视录音节目中,这位艺术家首次表演了他最经典的太空步。

    The artist first unveiled what would become one of his signature dance moves in 1983 during a taping for a television show .

  16. 考虑到迈克尔·杰克逊极好的舞台感和表现力,人们自然而然就认为是他在二十世纪八十年代早期发明了太空步。

    Given Michael 's incredible stage presence and performances , it 's not hard to assume Michael created the move in the early 1980s .

  17. 迈克尔·杰克逊的一些舞蹈动作与他的歌一样出名。其中,“太空步”无疑是他最出名的动作之一。

    Some of Michael Jackson 's dance moves were as famous as his songs , and the moonwalk was definitely one of his most famous creations .

  18. 有趣的是,迈克尔说的教他跳太空步的“小孩们”事实上比他还要大,他们已经不当小孩好多年了。

    Interestingly , the kids who Michael credited with teaching him the dance move were actually older than Michael and hadn 't been kids for quite some time .

  19. 在迈克尔的自传中,他说道,在那次重要的电视首秀之前,他曾多次在厨房里练习太空步。

    When Michael wrote his autobiography , he admitted that he 'd already been practicing the moonwalk in his kitchen before the fateful television appearance where he debuted the dance move .

  20. 正如他那知名的“太空步”一样,迈克尔·杰克逊在舞台上还有另一个为人所熟知的动作——好像抗拒地心引力一样,身体前倾的同时保持脚面完全着地。

    Like his famous " Moonwalk , " another one of Michael 's famous on-stage moves was a seemingly gravity-defying lean forward where his feet remained planted flat on the ground .

  21. 他的男高音甜美、尖亮,不时穿插着切切的哭诉或意味深长的嘶吼,同时表演着令人眼花缭乱的机械舞步,他那标志性的“太空步”就像是在传送带上滑步。

    He sang in a sweet high tenor punctuated with pleading cries or insinuating growls , while performing dazzling mechanistic dance moves , as with the conveyor-belt glide of his trademark " moonwalk " .

  22. 然而,在迈克尔使得太空步得以“轰动一时”的前几十年里,就有许多舞者表示他们早已登台表演过这种舞步。

    However , in the decades since he made it famous , a variety of performers have revealed that they , too , used the move decades before Michael ever used it on stage .

  23. 而另一方面,他的妹妹托娅却说,太空步是源于当时街上的孩子们为了好玩而跳的舞步。实际上,迈克尔师从于一位名为杰夫瑞丹尼尔的伴舞演员,他知道如何跳太空步。

    On the other hand , his sister , LaToya , said that the move came from a dance that kids were performing for fun in the streets at the time and that Michael actually got lessons from a backup dancer named Jeffrey Daniel , who already knew how to do the moonwalk .

  24. 新华社消息:中国将于9月底执行第三次载人航天飞行任务,同时迈出我国的太空第一步。

    China will launch its third manned space mission in late September , featuring its first-ever space walk , Xinhua News Agency said .

  25. 那是中国航天员迈进太空的第一步。

    That was the1st step of our astronauts .

  26. 从维多利亚陨石坑开始的13英里的路程已经走了3年,但是这个微小的太空船一步一步的记录着它的前行。

    The 13-mile drive from Victoria crater had taken three years . But the tiny craft had been documenting its progress , step by step .

  27. 哥伦比亚大学开始录取女生的第一年当时萨莉.莱德成为第一位进入太空的美国女性那时的音乐全是麦克尔和太空步

    The first year women were admitted to Columbia Sally Ride was the first American woman in space Music was all about Michael and the Moonwalk .