
  1. 王昆成长、生活在民间传统文化最浓厚的地区,在这片土地上曾经诞生了先秦两汉时期的诗经,乐府。

    Wang Kun was born and brought up , and later lived in an area rich in folk traditional culture .

  2. 本文从关注老艺术家王昆的艺术生活入手,探寻其声乐表演艺术风格的形成原因。

    The thesis starts with focus on the life of Wang Kun , an old singing artist , and then goes on to explore the cause of the forming of her style in singing performance .

  3. 王昆在民族音乐文化中成长,从接受民族音乐文化精髓,到为民族大众服务,从而形成其具有浓厚民族特色的声乐表演艺术风格。

    Growing up in this culture of the national music , Wang Kun first accepted the essence of the culture of music of the nation and then worked for the nation , thus forming her artistic style of singing performance with rich national flavor .

  4. 同时期五、六十年代又陆续创作和编演了大量新歌剧、新民歌,开创了民族声乐百花齐放、百家争鸣的局面,涌现了以郭兰英、王昆等人为代表的一代民族歌唱家。

    A large number of new operas , new folk songs successively in the fifties and sixties of corresponding period were created and compiled and performed , it opens a situation of " lets a hundred flowers blossom , lets a hundred schools contend " in the national vocal music .