
  1. 第一节论述王海鸰作品的时代特征。

    Section one explains time characteristic of writings of Wang Hailing .

  2. 第6章分析王海鸰作品走红的原因。

    Chapter 6 analyzes the reasons for popular works of Wang Hailing .

  3. 试论王海鸰婚恋小说的模式化创作

    Tries to Discuss the Wang Hai-ling 's Love and Marriage Novels the Patternize Creation

  4. 现代女性的围城&试论王海鸰作品的现实意义

    The Besieged City of Modern Females-Exploring the Realistic Meaning of WANG Hai-ling 's Works

  5. 在众多书写都市的作家中,王海鸰是值得关注的一位。

    Among the writers , Wang Hailing is an outstanding writer who deserves particular attention .

  6. 最后,从性别的自觉层面分析王海鸰小说文本中的女性意识。

    Finally , analysis of gender-conscious level , Wang Hai-Ling novels female consciousness in the text .

  7. 这部分主要从总体上理解、把握王海鸰作品的时代性特征及其作品的核心观念。

    This part mainly seizes time characteristic of writings of Wang Hailing and core concept of its writings .

  8. 王海鸰是近年来颇受读者和观众喜爱的作家、编剧。

    Wang Hailing is a writer and playwright who is popular with readers and audience in recent years .

  9. 王海鸰的《中国式离婚》就反映了当代中国在现代与后现代社会转型期出现的婚姻危机问题。

    Chinese Style Divorce by HUANG Hai-ling reflects the marital crisis in the contemporary and postmodern transitional Chinese society .

  10. 第7章指出了王海鸰作品面临的困惑,指出了其作品的阈限。

    Chapter 7 points out the works of Wang Hailing solve the puzzle , that the threshold of their works .

  11. 畅销书作家、《中国式离婚》的作者王海鸰在她的微博上连载心急的妈妈们的故事。

    The best-selling author Wang Hailing , who wrote Divorce with Chinese Characteristics , relays stories of pushy mothers on her micro-blog .

  12. 消费时代构成了王海鸰作品中女性主体意识发展的背景。第二节论述王海鸰女性人物的消费时代特征。

    Consumption era constitutes development background of female subject consciousness in writings of Wang Hailing ; Section two expounds female in consumption era .

  13. 畅销书《中国式离婚》的作者王海鸰会在她的微博上转述一些催婚母亲的故事。

    The best-selling author Wang Hailing , who wrote " Divorce with Chinese Characteristics , " relays stories of pushy mothers on her micro-blog .

  14. 第4章开始分析王海鸰作品中体现的女性意识,而这种女性意识其实就是作者自我情感的宣泄与浓缩。

    Chapter 4 of Wang Hailing works began to reflect the female consciousness , and this is in fact female consciousness of emotional catharsis and self-enrichment .

  15. 第二章对王海鸰、六六家庭伦理叙事的核心内容、类型人物、环境三个方面分析,进而显示她们家庭伦理故事具有的现实普遍性。

    The second chapter analyzes narrative core , typical characters and the environment in novels about Wang Hailing , Liu Liu , displayed universality of family ethics .

  16. 本文从女性意识入手,以文本细读的方法对王海鸰的四部创作进行解读。

    This article from the " feminine consciousness " to start to read the way the text of the four pairs of Hai-Ling the explanation of creativity .

  17. 而就当今的学术界看,采用性别和女性主义方法来研究王海鸰作品的则还不是很多。

    As far as the recent academic circle is concerned , studying about the Wang Hai-Ling work with the gender angle and the feminine principle are not a lot .

  18. 王海鸰的小说《中国式离婚》,通过一个普通家庭的解体过程,讲述了一个典型的中国式离婚故事,也全景式地浓缩了中国当代社会的婚姻状况。

    Chinese-style Divorce , a novel by Wang Hailing depicts a typical story about marriage through an ordinary Chinese family , and also reflects the marital state of the Chinese modern society .

  19. 第五章从情节、人物、情感、文化心理四个方面分析王海鸰、六六家庭叙事中显示出的局限。

    The fifth chapter gives the analysis of the plot , character , emotion , and cultural psychology in their novels , showing the limitations of Wang Hailing and Liu Liu in their writing narrations .

  20. 近年来,由王海鸽创作的一些婚恋小说和电视剧持续受到公众关注,这说明王海鸰这位女性作家触动了社会心理的敏感神经。

    In recent years , from Wang Hailing created a number of novels and dramas continued to love and marriage are of public concern , indicating the woman writer Wang Ling psychosocial touched a sensitive nerve .

  21. 在这些作品中,王海鸰给我们塑造了一批性格鲜明、印象深刻的女性形象,这些女性在消费时代的冲击下,她们的思想追求和生活方式等也不可避免的呈现出特殊的发展变化。

    In her writings , Wang Hailing shapes a wide range of female images characterized by vivid character and profound impression , whose idea pursuing and living manner unavoidably take on special development and change while impacted in consumption era .