
  1. 低糖蔬果月饼馅料的制作

    Manufacture of vegetable and fruit moon cake stuffing with low sugar

  2. 不断研发、生产出符合现代人口味的健康型月饼、馅料及其他餐饮食品。

    The company keeps on researching healthy mooncake and filling fit for the taste of modernists , and provides superior products with competitive capability wholeheartedly .

  3. 这就是为什么自制月饼生意在互联网上甚为火爆的原因,许多网店都在出售月饼馅料和模具。

    That 's why it 's flourishing as a business on the internet , many online stores are selling mooncake ingredients and special utensils to make the cakes with .