
  1. 反式脂肪酸已成了食品界的头号毒药。

    Trans fat has become box office poison in the food world .

  2. 后一个奖项很快便催生出听装罐头,它带来的好处比食品界那些假内行所认可的更多。

    The latter prize quickly inspired the tin can , more of a blessing than food snobs might acknowledge .

  3. 食感的研究是食品界一大有趣课题,但如何客观地评价食品的结构,如何选定流变学参数仍需进一步深入研究。

    How to evaluate objectively the food structure and how to select the parameters of rheology still need further research .

  4. 大豆蛋白因含有许多种机体所需氨基酸,且比例均衡,因此受到食品界的格外关注和研究。

    Soy protein was interested and researched in the food industry because it contained many kinds of organism required amino acids and the proportion was balanced .

  5. 水产养殖是食品工业界发展最快的分支之一,每年产量增加5.8%。

    Farmed seafood is one of the fastest-growing food industries , expanding in volume by 5.8 % each year .

  6. 用各种碳水化合物酶处理的被修饰淀粉的功能特性在食品科技界被广泛关注。

    The functional properties of modified starch produced by treatment of various carbohydrate enzymes are of great interest in food biotechnology .

  7. 因其具有独特的氨基酸组成和生理功能而受到食品和医药界的高度关注。

    Because the High fischer ratio oligo-peptide has specially amino acids composition and physiological activity , food and curative domain pay more attention to it .

  8. 用食品届和艺术界的两个例子来说明,有的时候不是这个领域的专家可以给出更好的建议。

    The author claims that people who is not an expert in the field has little value in giving critical judgment of work in that field .

  9. 当2008年奥运会的筹备工作正进入紧锣密鼓的阶段,各专项行动规划也已经全面展开,奥运食品工程计划也备受食品界人士关注。

    When the 2008 olympic games is approaching to a pressing phase , all the special programs have already been put into full operation , among which the olympic food engineering program has drawn much attention .

  10. 食品系统学是现代食品经济的新兴理论,倍受国际食品产业界的关注。

    The food systematology , the newly theories of the modern food economy , attracts special attention in the international food industry .

  11. 近年来,中国传统食品以其巨大的潜在价值正日益引起世界各地食品科学家、食品工程师、食品工业界和健康组织的广泛关注。

    Recently , traditional Chinese foods have drawn a great degree of attention from food scientists and technologists , the food industry and health promotion institution worldwide .

  12. 菊粉以及其下游产物作为一种功能性食品添加剂已经在世界范围内得到了广泛应用。近年来,菊粉的开发利用受到国际食品界的高度重视,与其相关的研究十分活跃。

    Inulin and its downstream products as a functional food additives have been widely applied in the world , recent years , the development and utilization of inulin attaches great attention worldwide , and research associated was very active .