
  • 网络Food refrigeration;Refrigerated Storage of Food;food cold storage
  1. 食品冷藏库计算机控制方案的探讨冷库除霜方法及除霜能耗分析比较

    Study on Computer Automatic Control of Food Cold Storage Discussion and Analysis of Different Defrosting Ways and Their Energy Consumption in Food Cold Storage

  2. 这种机器使用极少量的臭氧为食品冷藏车消毒杀菌和去除异味。

    The machine uses minute quantities of ozone to sterilise and deodorise refrigerated food vehicles .

  3. WTO与食品冷藏链

    WTO and Food Cold Chain

  4. HACCP在食品冷藏链中的运用

    The Application of HACCP in the Food Cold Chain

  5. 进一步完善与发展我国食品冷藏链

    Further Perfect and Develop the Food Cold Chain in Our Country

  6. 我国食品冷藏链的现状和展望

    Present situation and Prospect of cold chain for foodstuff in China

  7. 联华超市生鲜食品冷藏链管理技术应用情况

    The Application of Cold Chain Technology for Fresh Products in Lianhua Supermarket

  8. 自然冷源在食品冷藏陈列柜中的应用

    Application of natural cool resource to chilled food display cabinets

  9. 食品冷藏链中主要环节的认识与展望

    Understanding and prospect of main links in food cold chain

  10. NT&90型保鲜机在食品冷藏中的应用

    Application of NT-90 Type Preservation Machine in Food Refrigeration

  11. 食品冷藏链关键技术设备的发展与应用前景

    Perspective of the Development and Application of Cold Storage Chain for Food Industry

  12. 上海市食品冷藏链的进展和展望

    Progress Expectation of The Food Cold Chain in Shanghai

  13. 敞开式食品冷藏陈列柜使用中几个问题的分析

    Discussions on several problems in the application of open type refrigerated food display cases

  14. 我国食品冷藏链的发展与对策

    Research on cold chain of food in China

  15. 发展食品冷藏链,为市民提供安全、优质的食品

    Develop food cold chain , provide safe and good quality food for the public

  16. 国外食品冷藏供应链发展概况

    Development of Refrigerating Food Supply Chain Abroad

  17. 冷冻食品冷藏链的管理&回顾改善上海易腐食品流通环节研讨会

    Management of the Frozen Food Cold Chain Outlook of Improving Perishable Foods Distribution in Shanghai

  18. 肉类食品冷藏过程中的安全管理

    The Safety Supervision of Meat Cold Storage

  19. 食品冷藏箱(厨房冰箱)的节能

    Saving energy of food refrigerator / freezer

  20. 从上海看国内食品冷藏链的发展趋向

    The development of frozen chain in China

  21. 跨入二十一世纪,发展食品冷藏供应链,保护食品资源,将是我国食品产业可持续发展战略。

    Developing cold chain and protecting food material are the continuable development strategies of food industry .

  22. 食品冷藏链中时间-温度指示器的应用及现状

    Time-Temperature Indicators in Food Cold Chain

  23. 食品冷藏链的国内外发展状况比较及我国的改进措施探讨

    Comparison of Development State of Food Cold Chain Home and Abroad and Investigation of Improved Methods in Domestic

  24. 易腐食品冷藏链

    Cold chain for Perishable

  25. 对食品冷藏超常规低温条件下的冲霜系统的特点及有关问题进行分析,阐述超低温冷库冲霜系统的设计。

    This paper analyzes the characteristic of frost thawing system on condition of deep low temperature and how to design this kind of system .

  26. 单机双级压缩机在食品冷藏链中的应用价值冬枣机械化减压保鲜贮藏试验效果分析

    The Application Value of 2-Stage Reciprocating Compressor in Food Cold Chain Experimental and Effect Analysis on the Lower Pressure Fresh Storage of Chinese Date

  27. 据此,着重分析了食品冷藏链的主要环节、制冷技术与速冻设备,提出了制冷系统的节能措施。

    The major points of the cold storage chain , chilling technology and equipment were analyzed , and methods to improve the energy utilization in the storage chain are proposed .

  28. 概述了制冷技术在船舶上的应用,如传统的货物与食品冷藏运输及改善人员居住环境,进行空气调节等。

    At first , this paper briefly introduces the application of refrigeration system on board , i.e. traditional goods and foods being transported , life circumstances improved by air condition .

  29. 商用陈列柜作为冷链物流的末端设备,兼有食品冷藏和销售的功能,是商场进行食品销售的主要组成设备之一。

    As the terminal equipment of cold chain logistics , commercial display cabinet are both functions of food refrigeration and sales , so it is the main component of food sales .

  30. 广东省食品冷冻冷藏业现状及发展趋势

    The Current Situation and Developing Trend of Food Refrigeration in Guangdong Province