
  • 网络candles;birthday candle;happy birthday
  1. 说到生日蜡烛

    And don 't even get me started on the candles ...

  2. 让我们点上生日蜡烛吧!

    Let 's light the birthday candles !

  3. 珍妮吹熄了生日蜡烛,给自己许了个愿。

    Jane blew the birthday candle out and said a wish for herself .

  4. 对于当时刚刚吹过18支生日蜡烛的梁洛施来说,这已经很不错了。

    Not bad for someone who at the time has yet to blow out18 candles .

  5. 吹生日蜡烛的时候要当心哦。

    Be careful blowing out the candles .

  6. 我喜欢吹灭生日蜡烛。

    I like blowing out birthday candles .

  7. 三日后,她哭着为他点燃生日蜡烛,他不在。

    Three days later , she celebrated his birthday with tears , but he was DEAD .

  8. 把生日蜡烛准备好,因为…栗宝的胡萝卜蛋糕要登场啦!

    Get the birthday candle ready , ' cause ... here comes Chestnut 's carrot cake !

  9. 我们给她的蛋糕上插的是矮胖的意大利茶蜡,而不是标准的中国生日蜡烛。

    We put squat Italian tea lights on her cake rather than standard Chinese birthday candles .

  10. 在笑声中大家摄影留念,之后内森吹灭了生日蜡烛,开始切蛋糕。

    After much laughter and photo taking , Nathan blew out his birthday candles and began serving the cake .

  11. 音乐生日蜡烛:朋友过生日,点燃蜡烛,就会有生日快乐的音乐,增添气氛。

    Music birthday candle : the friend leads birthday , sparking a candle , there will be music of happy birthday , increase atmosphere .

  12. 因此,生日蜡烛象征着双重含义:生命与死亡,希望与恐惧,得到与失去等等。

    Thus , candles at birthdays are symbols of duality , life and death , hopes and fears , increase and loss , and so on .

  13. 曾经感觉你的待办事项就如生日蜡烛般永不熄灭,而不是像魔法般再生吗?

    Ever feel like your ' To Do ' list is like one of those birthday candles that never blows out , instead regenerating like ( depressing ) magic ?

  14. 因此,我们购买了生日蜡烛以及万圣节用的荧光棒,如果停电可用它们驱散黑暗,我们还聊起了经历过第二次世界大战的外婆。

    So we bought Halloween glow sticks and birthday cake candles , to beat the darkness if the lights failed , and talked about grandma who lived through the second world war .

  15. 在这些表情中,兔斯基要么在晃动着他的臀部,要么摆出一副“懒得理你”的姿势,要么边哭边挥手告别,要么将他的两只耳朵变作摇曳的生日蜡烛,要么打个飞吻,要么一跃上床。

    Tuzki swings his hips , makes a " talk to the hand " motion , weeps as he waves goodbye , turns his ears into flickering birthday candles , blows kisses and hops into bed .

  16. 生日的蜡烛点燃了,它像小人的梦中,那闪烁的希望。

    The birthday candle was lit up , it glistens like the hope in children 's dream .

  17. 对于&些特别的生日或者由于蜡烛的数目会有引起火灾的风险,特殊的蜡烛或许会取代实际的多个小蜡烛。

    For some special birthday or because the number of candles will be the risk of fire , special candles will be replaced by the actual number of small candles .

  18. 为了给丈夫的生日蛋糕买蜡烛,我开车去了6家杂货店都没有买到,最终不得不用在厨房里找到的一盒落满灰尘的蜡烛将就。

    I drove to half a dozen grocery stores in search of candles for my husband 's birthday cake , eventually settling on a box of dusty leftovers I found in the kitchen .

  19. 在广告中,当你正要捕捉过生日女孩吹蜡烛的瞬间和记录座头鲸跃出水面的经典时刻,而你的手机突然弹出“内存已满,没有空间储存照片”。

    As they 're about to take a picture -- when a birthday girl starts to blow out her candles and a humpback whale jumps out of the water -- a pop-up appears to stop them : " Storage Full . There is no more room on your phone . "

  20. Jyoti吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,而蛋糕比她本人还要大。就连生日会上那本世界基尼斯记录册都到她的腰了。

    She also blew out candles on a birthday cake which was comfortably bigger than her . Even the Guinness World Records book at the ceremony came up to Jyoti 's waist .

  21. 博士蛙吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。

    Bo Shi Wa blew out the candles on the cake .

  22. 你会吹熄生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,这也是个仪式。

    You blow out candles on top of a birthday cake .

  23. 我将有一个生日蛋糕和一些蜡烛

    I will have a birthday cake and candles

  24. 她吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,心中祈盼能得到一个新的玩偶。

    She blew out the candles on her birthday cake and wished for a new .

  25. 通常,生日派对上会有礼物,生日蛋糕和生日蜡烛。

    Birthday parties usually include gifts and a birthday cake with candles .

  26. 之后,在芝加哥消防队餐馆地下室举行的生日宴会上,布什吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。

    Later , in Chicago , Bush blew out the candles on a birthday cake at a dinner in a basement room at the Chicago Firehouse Restaurant .

  27. 本来打算在我1942年生日会时弥补前两年没有庆祝生日的遗憾,在众多生日蜡烛中有一支是专门为悼念外婆而点的。

    This birthday celebration in 1942 was intended to make up for the others , and Grandma 's candle was lit along with the rest .