
  • 网络joie de vivre;Life style;life;delight of life
  1. 演绎时尚浪漫的生活情趣。

    Perform fashion and romantic life style .

  2. 培养学生的体育精神,既有助于其德智体的全面发展、精神面貌的改观和身心的健康发展,也有助于其高尚生活情趣和正确人生态度的形成。

    Cultivating sport spirit in students is helpful not only to their all-round development and healthy physical and psychological growth , but also helpful to the formation of their good life style and attitude towards life .

  3. 第八条法则鼓励人们增添生活情趣。

    Rule eight urges people to put more excitement into their lives .

  4. 喜欢运动,热爱自然,懂生活情趣。

    Share some interests , importantly love sports and nature .

  5. 对很多人来说,购买和使用日本商品,也是一种生活情趣的享受。

    To many , buying and using Japanese products are also a joy .

  6. ,中老年人则会怀着行乐观主义和生活情趣步入晚年。

    The elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life .

  7. 你错过大部份生活情趣而不自知。

    You 're missing most of your life and you don 't know it .

  8. 培养高雅文明的生活情趣,促进学生全面和谐的发展。

    Promoting the university students harmonious development completely .

  9. 可以把国家财富转变成日益广泛的、闻所未闻的人类生活情趣,

    national wealth can be translated into a spreading volume of human comforts hitherto unknown ,

  10. 有时需一个悲剧提醒大家,什么是真正重要的生活情趣。

    Sometimes it takes a tragedy to remind you of what is really important in life .

  11. 然后明白,我无法控制所发生的事情对我的生活情趣。

    And then to understand that I couldn 't control what happened to me in life .

  12. 而且它的创作规律与人们的生活情趣息息相关。

    And what 's more , its norms of creation were closely related with people 's living interests .

  13. 嗨,小虫,小七,我要你们见见《玛莎的生活情趣》的罗比。

    Hello ! Bug , seven , I want you to meet robby , from Martha Stewart living .

  14. 有时候,爱美,不仅仅是一种生活情趣,更是一种生活的需要,或者可以说是谋求生存的一种手段。

    Being attractive is not always a kind of life , some time it is even a must for existence .

  15. 陈嘉庚一生勤奋好学,热爱书法,晚年喜欢运动,重视养生,具有健康的生活情趣。

    All his life with healthy hobbies , Tan Kah-kee was a diligent learner and passionate lover of calligraphy and sports .

  16. 全图绘年龄不同、姿态各异、姿态各异、神情有别的妇女十二人,分成三组劳作场面,极富生活情趣。

    There are twelve women of different ages in the picture , each one with various postures and expressions on their faces .

  17. 这从一个侧面反映出宋人的生活情趣、审美习尚和词学观念。

    We can find out life interests , aesthetic conceptions and Ci thoughts of the writers in the Song Dynasty from these statistics .

  18. 一位合眼缘,综合素质良好,性格随和,幽默,体贴,有生活情趣的健康男士为伴侣。

    I 'm seeking a faithful , caring , humorous , healthy and good-tempered man who has quite a few in common with me .

  19. 它不仅在形式上生动、活泼,而且也形象地反映出日本民众的生活情趣、时尚以及他们的思维习惯。

    They are not only vivid and lively in forms but also reflect the life , the trend and the thinking of Japanese people .

  20. 和谐精神勾勒了中国传统文化的基本脉络和价值观念,并形塑为中华民族独特的精神追求与生活情趣。

    Harmonious spirit is the fundamental context and values of Chinese traditional culture , forming the whole nationality 's spiritual pursuit and joy of life .

  21. 懂得生活情趣的人,都喜欢在家中摆放盆栽当作美化家居,改善空气的素质。

    People who know how to enjoy life like placing pots of plants in their homes to beautify the place and make the air fresher .

  22. 主要表达手法是采取自然动物和文化动物与其他园林要素融合,点题寓意,寄托品德情操,人生哲理,生活情趣和理想追求。

    Compromising natural animal , cultural animal and other garden factors , reposing personal character and sentiment , life philosophy and ideal pursue are main ways of exp.

  23. 我心中的他:真诚、有修养,带点小幽默,懂生活情趣,内心温暖的人。

    My heart in of him : sincere , has the tutelage , take a little humor , understand the delight of life , the heart of the warm .

  24. 装饰是人类的本能,是悠远的,透露着人类原始的艺术智慧和生活情趣,几乎所有的设计领域都离不开装饰。

    Adornment is a human instinct , is human , disclosing stretches of primitive art wisdom and life interest , almost all the design domain without " adornment " .

  25. 同学们,学校将继续引导和鼓励大家拥有积极的学习态度、高尚的公共道德、健康的生活情趣、具体的成长目标。

    Dear students , the school will continue to guide and encourage every one of you to possess positive learning attitude , high morals , healthy habits and detailed plan of growth .

  26. 其次,它呈现出雅俗并陈的艺术情趣。四灵诗风的形成,还与四位诗人相似的人生际遇、个性气质和生活情趣有着密切的关系。

    Secondly , this style demonstrates the spice of apposing refined custom and old artistic temperament . 3.Their poem style also close connection with their alike life fortune individuality blood and living spice .

  27. 从以往追求居住的物理空间和豪华的装修向着享受现代化精神内涵与浪漫生活情趣的方向发展,追求更高的层次和境界。

    From formerly pursued the housing the physical space and the luxurious repair to enjoys the modernized mental connotation and the romantic life appeal direction develops , pursues a higher level and the boundary .

  28. 以工作压力的恐惧倾向最高,其次为生活情趣的恐惧倾向,对交友择偶的恐惧倾向最低。

    The FOS for working pressure tended to be the highest , FOS for delight of life came the next , and the FOS for making friend and selecting spouse tended to be the lowest .

  29. 想象一下,当您推开浴室的门,置身其中,被弥漫着的浪漫迷人红色所包围,那是怎么样的一种生活情趣。

    Imagine , when you push open the bathroom door , exposure to which has been filled with red and surrounded by the romantic charm , that 's how kind of a zest for life .

  30. 这就意味着它比人的一生任何其他时期写的东西都来得更真实、更有生活情趣,这也是充满童趣、纯真的青少年时代的写作特性。

    This means that it is more than any other period in human life are to write something more real , more interest in life , which is full of childlike , innocent young age writing features .