
  1. 体现了重工业投资集中、涉及面广、规模宏大,影响深远的特点。

    Reflects the concentration of heavy industry investment , covering a wide range , large-scale .

  2. 第二,对中国东部地区投资集中不利于中国国民经济的整体均衡发展。

    The second is investment focus on the Eastern area go against equilibrium development of Chinese economic ;

  3. 投资集中于以比信息增长更快的速度更新系统。

    Investment has been focused on updating systems at a faster pace than the ever-increasing tidal wave of messages .

  4. 直到1990年代术为止,韩商的投资集中在华北地区与东北地区。

    The Korean businessmen 's investment is dense in Northern China and North East China until the end of 1990 's.

  5. 并且,从地区的角度来看,投资集中在天津、山东省、辽宁省等部分地区。

    Also , their investment is concentrated on specific regions such as Tianjin , Shandong and Liaoning in regional aspect .

  6. 最初的大部分投资集中在油砂矿领域这是主要在加拿大发现的一种被高粘度沥青包裹的砂矿。

    Much of the initial investment was in oil sands highly viscous bitumen coated sand deposits found mainly in Canada .

  7. 投资集中于:信息服务、信息能力服务、药品和医疗、媒体、消费品和服务等。

    Focus on : IT Services , IT Enabled Services , Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare , Media and Consumer Products and Services .

  8. 可以肯定的是,最富有的艺术品买家们把投资集中在风险较低的少数几个蓝筹艺术家身上。

    What is certain is that the wealthiest art buyers are concentrating their investment on a narrow range of low-risk blue chip names .

  9. 世行在中等收入国家的大部分投资集中在城市污水与废水处理等这些国家特别关注的领域。

    Much of Bank investment in middle-income countries is in urban sewage and wastewater treatment , areas of special concern for these countries .

  10. 虽然早期的中国对外投资集中于发展中国家的能源和自然资源资产,但投资者目前转向美国和欧洲物色机会。

    While early Chinese investments focused on energy and natural resource assets in developing countries , investors are now looking to the US and Europe for opportunities .

  11. 投资集中在10个领域,包括加快廉租住房建设&这在中国的许多地区都是当务之急,以及加大对农村基础设施建设的投资力度。

    The spending would focus on10 areas , including picking up the pace of spending on low-cost housing an urgent need in many parts of China as well as increased spending on rural infrastructure .

  12. 大部分投资集中于公路、电厂和其它基础设施,但分析师表示,越来越多的中国公司开始在当地购买建筑和其它原材料。

    Much of that investment has concentrated on roads , power plants and other infrastructure , but analysts say a growing number of Chinese companies are beginning to buy building and other materials locally .

  13. 如此迅速的扩张,不可避免地引发了该行业将出现巨大产能过剩的担心,在新投资集中的低质钢材种类上尤其如此。

    Such rapid expansion inevitably raised fears that the industry was going to be left with huge overcapacity , especially in lower quality types of steel where much of the new investment has been concentrated .

  14. 并进一步从集聚经济、寡占反应、市场结构的绩效、市场结构的传导以及外资战略目标变化等方面剖析了外商直接投资集中化的内在原因。

    Then , this paper further analyzes the internal reasons for the FDI concentration in respect of cluster economy , monopoly effect , the performance and transmission mechanism of the market structure , as well as changes in the strategic goals of foreign investments .

  15. 位于纽约的美国认知治疗学院(AmericanInstituteforCognitiveTherapy)的主任罗伯特·李希(RobertLeahy)表示,这就像一个人把所有的投资都集中在一只股票上,而这只股票就是你的工作。

    ' It 's like having your entire investment in one stock , and that stock is your job , 'says Robert Leahy , director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy in New York .

  16. 表明了基于FDI的国际产业转移在我国发展良好,外商直接投资主要集中在第二产业中的制造业,服务业成为外商直接投资的新热点。

    It shows the development of international industrial transfer based on FDI is good . Foreign direct investment is mainly concentrated in the manufacturing of the secondary industry . The service sectors become the new hot spot for foreign direct investment .

  17. 德克萨斯大学的经济学家MichaelSadler则在担心创业公司扎堆的问题,现在越来越多的创业投资都集中到了奥斯汀、纽约和硅谷这种业绩超群的地区。

    Michael Sadler , an e conomist at the University of Texas , is concerned about the rising concentration of start-up investment in just a few super-performing regions such as Austin , New York , and Silicon Valley .

  18. 通用动力公司(GeneralDynamicsCorp.)旗下的湾流航空航天公司(GulfstreamAerospaceCorp.)总裁弗林(LarryFlynn)说,我们绝没有否认中国的生产能力。该公司目前在中国的投资主要集中在提高维护、修理和解体检修能力方面。

    Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. President Larry Flynn says his company has " not in the least ruled out China for manufacturing capabilities . " Gulfstream , a unit of General Dynamics Corp. , currently focuses its investment in China on building up maintenance , repair and overhaul capacity . Andrew Galbraith

  19. 私人控股的Hinduja集团由4位印度亿万富翁兄弟经营,该集团还计划在房地产、汽车、电力和基础设施领域投入大笔资金,多数投资将集中于印度、欧洲和中东地区。

    The closely held group , run by four billionaire Indian brothers , is also planning large investments in real estate , automotives , power and infrastructure , mostly in India , Europe and the Middle East .

  20. 她的投资主要集中在技术股票上。

    Her investments were mainly in technology stocks .

  21. 韩国对华投资主要集中在环渤海湾地区的山东、辽宁等地。

    The Korea investment in China gathers in Shandong , Liaoning and Bohai gulf area .

  22. 大西康雄表示,日本在上海的新投资大多集中在服务业。

    New investment in Shanghai is mostly in the service sector , says Mr Onishi .

  23. 政府投资工程集中代建管理模式的改革研究

    Endued Authority and Supervised Management : Studies on the Reform on Centralized Deputy Construction Model in Government Invested Projects

  24. 这正是刺激方案中政府投资之所以集中在基础设施领域、而非兴建新工厂的原因。

    This is why government-financed investment in the stimulus package is concentrated in infrastructure , rather than new factories .

  25. 贵州的外来投资主要集中在贵阳等几个大城市。

    External investment in the overall distribution of Guizhou Province , concentrated in several large cities , like Guiyang city .

  26. 我国的对外直接投资主要集中于传统行业,在高科技行业的比重非常小。

    OFDI in China mainly concentrates on the traditional industry , and the proportion of high-tech industry is very small .

  27. 同时,2009年到2010年的投资潮集中在基础设施和房地产上,二者都不可以跨境贸易。

    The investment boom in 2009-10 was also concentrated in infrastructure and property . Neither can be traded across borders .

  28. 鉴于最近对澳大利亚资源行业的投资具有集中性,中国公司将面临更为严格的审查。

    Because of the concentrated nature of their recent investments in Australian resources , the Chinese can expect greater scrutiny .

  29. 外商投资仍集中在东部某些地区,带来的出口额占到全国的94%。

    Foreign investment remains strongly concentrated in the east of the country , which accounts for94 % of China 's exports .

  30. 在第三产业中,固定资产投资多集中在房地产行业和与旅游相关的行业。

    In the third ( tertiary ) industry , investment in fixed assets are more focused on real estate and social services .