
  • 网络industry practice;usage of the particular trade
  1. 阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)已停止为参加国际医学会议的医生支付差旅费用。这个大胆举措旨在整治长期以来被批评者视为激进营销的行业惯例。

    AstraZeneca has stopped paying the travel expenses of doctors to attend international medical conferences , in a bold move to clamp down on an industry practice long viewed by critics as aggressive marketing .

  2. 交付的货物必须经过适当包装并符合行业惯例。

    The delivered goods must be packaged appropriately and conforming with industry practice .

  3. 文章指出,AICPA推出的网誉认证准则与规范以行业惯例为内容,具有跨越国界的、全球化的特征,这种规范在行业内部具有极大的权威性。

    The article points out that " Webtrust Principles and Criteria " established by AICPA consists of criteria of CPA craft and is characteristic of globalization .

  4. 这是一个普通的娱乐行业惯例。

    It was a common show business practice .

  5. 至少在设备层面上,加密正在迅速成为行业惯例。

    At least at the device level , encryption is quickly becoming the norm .

  6. 这使得丰厚的奖金变成行业惯例,除非监管者有理由禁止发放奖金。

    This makes fat bonuses the norm unless a regulator has reason to prevent them .

  7. 此外,按照行业惯例,一旦生产成本上涨,它们就会转嫁给消费者。

    Moreover , the Convention in the industry was to pass on to consumers any rise in costs .

  8. 虽然赤道原则2003年才产生,但是已经成为国际项目融资领域不可或缺的行业惯例。

    After the inception in2003 , the Equator Principles has become the minimum international standard in international project financing field .

  9. 吉姆•布什认为,打破行业惯例,将结构化的对话改变为更为人性化的服务将会获得良好的效果。

    His basic insight was that breaking with industry orthodoxy by transforming those conversations into less structured , more human engagements would pay off .

  10. 此外,著作人身权还要受到相关法律和习惯,尤其是行业惯例的限制。

    In addition , the personal right of copyright can be restricted by the laws related , the customs , especially the professional customary practices .

  11. 证券化市场参与者寻求回归根本,正对行业惯例进行明智的改革,如收紧承销标准,提高透明度,以保护投资者。

    Securitisation market participants seek a return to the basics and are making smart reforms to industry practices such as tightening underwriting practices and increasing transparency to protect investors .

  12. 中国部分钢铁企业当即表示不接受这样的协议,坚持至少要降价40%。这将打破近40年的行业惯例。

    In a break with nearly 40 years of industry practice , some Chinese steelmakers immediately rejected the deal , insisting on cuts of at least 40 per cent .

  13. 截止目前,借助于对近年来各种个案(包括欺诈案、员工盗窃案、非法洗钱案等)的行业惯例,已形成了完善的业务推理逻辑。

    Its built-in business logic is based on a set of industry best practice rules specific to the type of case , including fraud , employee theft , and money laundering .

  14. 香港健全的卖空制度经受住了本次危机考验的;基金经理必须注册;使用独立管理人和托管人则是一种行业惯例。

    There are robust short selling rules that stood the test of the crisis , managers must be registered , and it is common practice that independent administrators and custodians are used .

  15. 虽然承运人收取超期使用费被视为一种行业惯例,但是对于此类纠纷所引发的具体法律问题则缺乏理论研究。

    Though container demurrage collected by the carrier has been treated as a kind of industry practice , yet there still lacks theoretical study on the specific legal issues caused by these disputes .

  16. 赤道原则的提出体现了金融机构致力于可持续发展的愿景,并广泛运用于国际信贷业务,发展成为行业惯例。

    The proposal of the Equator Principles reflects the financial institutions ' commitments to the vision of sustainable development , and is widely used in international credit business . The principles have become industry practice .

  17. 对于我国来说,不仅要借鉴美国现行的调整消费性电子资金划拨的单行法规和相关法律,也要重视英国在制定法、判例法及行业惯例中对格式合同的管制。

    As far as our country is concerned , not only draws lessons from American current single code and related law , but also pay attention to the regulations over the inequity contract items from statue , case law and profession tradition .

  18. 因此,加入WTO一方面将促进我国房地产中介行业向国际惯例靠拢,另一方面也将使我国的中介行业受到国外中介机构入住的强烈冲击,面临严峻挑战。

    Joining in WTO will accelerate the real estate agency in our country to approach the international routine in one hand , on the other hand it will make our agency to face a serious challenge .

  19. 但华大基因及其支持者坚称,该公司遵循着该行业的最佳惯例,尽管一些人指出,缺乏知识产权保护意味着创意可以更快速地实施。

    But BGI and its backers insist that it complies with best practice in the industry , although some note that the lack of IP protection means that ideas can be implemented more quickly .

  20. 工程CAD可以通过提供定制功能以满足日益增长的个性化需求,并适应不同企业、行业的标准和惯例。

    AEC CAD should provide the capability of customization to meet the increasing needs of diversified projects and adapt to various kinds of standards and routines applied in different industries and enterprises .

  21. 公认的行业准则、制法、施工方法及其他行业惯例可构成计算的依据。一种习惯的仪式和惯例。

    Accepted industry formulas , recipes , methods of construction , and other industry practices would form the basis of the calculations .