
  1. 智慧地行持,才能获得真正的利益。

    Only wise dispositions will attain real gains in life .

  2. 第二我们为行持其他戒律建造了一个良好的根基。

    Second , we create a favorable basis for all precepts and levels of ordination .

  3. 生活中有正向、负向与中性的情绪,修行经验里提醒自己行持中道观,觉察而非否定情绪的存在。

    In daily affairs , while facing positive , negative and neutral moods , they remind themselves to stay mid-way status and aware the existences of the emotions .

  4. 据一些银行家称,该行所持建行股份的估值曾高达200亿美元,但据信目前已缩水几十亿美元。

    The BofA stake , once valued at $ 20bn , is now believed to be worth several billion dollars less , according to bankers .

  5. 提示代收行或持票人将汇票出示并提交给受票人,要求承兑或付款的行为叫做提示。

    Presentation , presentment : The collecting bank or the holder of a draft shows and hands over it to the drawee for acceptance or payment .

  6. 我行客户持转账银行本票可以到我行任何一家分支机构申请兑付,资金实时到账;

    Our clients can apply for being paid by transfer bank cheque in any branch of our bank , and the fund will be transferred to the client'account synchronously .

  7. 有关单位的负责人应当支持证人作证。交单代收行或持票把装船单据提交给受票人叫做交单。

    Leaders of the relevant units shall support the witnesses to testify . To tender ( or surrender ) the shipping documents : The collecting bank or the holder of the shipping documents hands over them to the drawee .

  8. 交单代收行或持票把装船单据提交给受票人叫做交单。我们提出索赔时仅凭已装运提单就够了吗?

    To tender ( or surrender ) the shipping documents : The collecting bank or the holder of the shipping documents hands over them to the drawee . Be it enough that we have an on-board bill of lading to claim a settlement ?

  9. 解付功能完成了持票人持有汇票向开户行提示付款,持票人开户行收妥后交换到出票行,出票行验证汇票无误后付款。

    Remittance function can complete the holder holding the draft to bank payment , after the holder receipt and switching to the issuing bank , issuing bank bill payment after correct verification .

  10. 在股价缩水之际,美国银行正在谋求融资。到本月底禁售期结束之时,该行可以出售所持全部或部分建行股份。

    BofA , which is looking to raise capital at a time when its share price has been hammered , can sell all or part of the stake when a lock-up period expires at the end of the month .