
  1. 法治警务框架下行政即时强制的规范和救济

    The Standard and Relief of Administrative Prompt Force under Legality Police Affair Framework

  2. 第二,行政即时强制存在的理论基础。

    Secondly , the rationale of administrative prompt coercion .

  3. 消防行政即时强制补偿问题初探

    On the System of Fire Administrative Instant Forcible Compensation

  4. 行政即时强制研究

    A Study on Administrative Prompt Coercion

  5. 行政即时强制条件论

    The Administration Immediately Compulsory Term

  6. 同时,行政即时强制还应当与行政强制措施、行政处罚和强制征收相区别。

    In the meantime , administrative prompt coercion should be distinguished from administrative coercive measures , administrative penalty and compulsory collection .

  7. 全文以行政即时强制的正当性为基点,阐释其三个价值:其一,效益价值。

    Based on the legitimacy of the administrative prompt coercion , the whole paper aims to illuminate its values : 1 . Efficiency .

  8. 对消防行政即时强制的法律性质、实施条件、手段、救济等问题进行了初步探讨。

    Therefore , this paper gives a preliminary analysis of administrative prompt coercion in fire protection in its legal attribute , enforcement terms , measures and remedy .

  9. 第二部分从事实、法律和程序三个方面严格规范行政即时强制的条件,以确保其功效得到最恰当的发挥。

    The second part stipulate the conditions of the Administrative Prompt Coercion , from the scope of fact , law and procedure , to assure its maximal function ;

  10. 消防行政即时强制是消防行政强制的一种,由于其适用的目的和程序与消防行政强制执行不同而具有特殊性。

    As an administrative enforcement in fire protection , administrative prompt coercion in fire protection differs arbitrary administrative execution in fire protection in purpose and procedure of application .

  11. 本文着眼于行政即时强制制度的完善,详述以下问题:第一,行政即时强制的内涵及其法律性质,此乃完善制度之基础。

    The following questions will be discussed : Firstly , the connotation and legal nature of administrative prompt coercion , which lays the foundation for the improvement of the administrative prompt coercion system .

  12. 本文就消防行政即时强制补偿的原则、构成要件、方式、标准、程序以及救济途径进行探讨,以期构建我国消防行政即时强制补偿制度。

    The article will discuss the principle , constitutive requirements , patterns , standards , procedure and almsgiving of fire administrative instant forcible compensation and construct the system of fire administrative instant forcible compensation .

  13. 第五,提出完善我国行政即时强制制度的具体措施,借以对草拟中的《行政强制法》有所脾益。本文研究目标是我国行政即时强制制度的完善。

    Fifthly , proposing the specific measures to improve our administrative prompt coercion system , which will be of great benefit to the drafting " Administrative Coercion Law " . The aim of this paper is to improve our administrative prompt coercion system .

  14. 第三,行政即时强制的域外借鉴。通过比较研究,分析域外该制度的利与弊,对其有益的经验进行借鉴。

    Thirdly , the advanced theory and practice about the administrative prompt coercion from the main countries in the world . Through comparative study and analysis of advantage and the shortcoming of this system , we can learn from the beneficial experience of others .

  15. 第四,通过对现行涉及行政即时强制的法律规范(包括法律、法规、规章以及其他规范性法律文件)系统地梳理和分析,反思我国行政即时强制立法的不足与问题,揭示制度的弊病。

    Fourthly , through systematic analysis of the present regulations involving the administrative prompt coercion ( including law , regulations , rules and other regulated legal documents ), we must reconsider the deficiency and flaws of our administrative prompt coercion and reveal the disadvantages of the system .

  16. 这是实现行政目的之价值,是行政即时强制存在的基本前提;其二,秩序价值。

    It is the value to achieve the administrative goal , and is the basic premise of the administrative prompt coercion existence ; 2 . Order .

  17. 作为行政法上强制性行为的统称,行政强制可以根据基础决定与强制执行是否合一为标准被划分为两类独立的行为,即行政强制执行和行政即时强制。

    According to whether the basic decision and coercive execution can be separated , the administrative coercion can be classified administrative coercive execution and immediate administrative coercion .