
shén xué yuàn
  • seminary;theological seminary
  1. 他先是在普林斯顿神学院(PrincetonTheologicalSeminary)攻读,而后在芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)获得临床心理学博士学位。

    He studied at Princeton Theological Seminary before doing a PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Chicago .

  2. 首位推举他为候选人的是DannyAkin,北卡罗拉威客森林()南方浸信会神学院的院长,他告诉记者:路特的当选是因为德才,与种族肤色无关。

    The man who first suggested his candidacy , Danny Akin , president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest , North Carolina , told a reporter then that he believed Mr Luter would be elected " on merit , regardless of race or colour . "

  3. 教士受训于神学院。

    Priests are trained at theological colleges .

  4. 他们对雇主的信仰可能最像whyte脑中的那些神学院毕业生。

    In their devotion to their employer they probably most closely resembled the seminary students that Whyte had in mind .

  5. 幸运的是,就在我的住所几个街区之外有个很棒的书店&神学院合作社(SeminaryCo-op)。我会去那里,四处浏览,看看有什么书符合我那一刻的心情。

    I 'm lucky to live a few blocks from a great bookstore & Seminary Co-op. I 'll go there and browse and see what fits my mood at the moment .

  6. 自从莫勒(R.AlbertMohler)成为美南浸信会神学院的院长之后,当中就出现了一场依据1858年抽象原则的加尔文主义的复兴。

    Since R.Albert Mohler became the president of Southern Seminary , there has been a revival of the Calvinism of the Abstract of Principles .

  7. 以及神学院向您汇报他们的意见。

    And the Committee of theologians to give you their opinion .

  8. 中级神学院是名副其实的灵魂探索殿堂。

    Master Theologians'Guild house is a true centre of spiritual exploration .

  9. 在学医和进神学院之间我犹豫了很久。

    I vacillated for a long time between medicine and seminary .

  10. 2000年在信经神学院读函授研究生,肄业。

    In2000 , she studied the graduate courses at Xinjing Theological Seminary .

  11. 下设三个学院:神学院、跨文化研究学院和心理学院。

    It has 3 schools : Theology , Intercultural Studies and Psychology .

  12. 送他到神学院就读,他也仅仅混毕业而已。

    He was sent to divinity school and barely managed to graduate .

  13. 所以我从格雷森国际辞职报读了神学院

    So I quit Grayson Global , joined the seminary ,

  14. 我是个神学院研究生,研究所有这些东西。

    And I am a seminary graduated all kind of that thing .

  15. 那是你在神学院第一周所学的,孩子。

    You learned that your first week at the seminary , boy .

  16. 神学院的学生(特别是罗马天主教神学院)。

    A student at a seminary ( especially a Roman Catholic seminary ) .

  17. 双峰对峙&燕京大学宗教学院与金陵神学院之比较

    A Comparative Study of Yenching University School of Religion and Nanking Theological Seminary

  18. 他本人于2005年从伯特利神学院毕业。

    George graduated from Bethel seminary San Diego in2005 .

  19. 旧约教授,曾任教于圣约神学院,惠敦大学。

    Er professor , covenant Seminary and Wheaton college .

  20. 神学院放假后,你打算上哪去呢?

    Where will you go when the seminary closes ?

  21. 他用一年时间来学习英语,然后上了大学和神学院。

    He spent a year studying English and then attended college and seminary .

  22. 荣格同神学院学生的关系一直若即若离

    Jung maintained the ambiguous relationship with the theological students

  23. 圣埃奇米阿津神学院也建在这里。

    Ecclesiastical Academy of Holy Etchmiadzin is also here .

  24. 神学院学生:你在受苦,我也是,我很了解。

    A SEMINARIST : You suffer and so do I. I understand you .

  25. 写得好就能进犹太神学院。

    And if I write well , I 'll be accepted into rabbinical school .

  26. 豪斯:在神学院时,上帝曾经和你交谈过吗?

    House : God ever talk to you when you were in the seminary ?

  27. 他们选择了一群打算将来做牧师的神学院学生。

    They chose a group of seminary students who were studying to be ministers .

  28. 神学院学生给了他们一种完全崭新的方式,来看待世界。

    The religion students gave them a radically new way to see the world .

  29. 这所神学院是在约旦河西岸建设犹太人定居点的主要支持者。

    The seminary was a bastion of the settlement movement in the West Bank .

  30. 你们在神学院学了什么?

    What 'd you study in the seminary ?