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shén lì
  • divine power;extraordinary power;superhuman strength
神力 [shén lì]
  • [superhuman strength;extraordinary power] 神奇非凡的力量

  • 天生神力

神力[shén lì]
  1. 在北美印第安神话中,自然界的万物都蕴含着神灵,都有非凡的神力,人与自然万物共存共生,相通相融。

    According to the North American Indian myths , everything on the Earth has spirit and extraordinary power .

  2. 他宣称有驱魔的神力。

    He claimed to have the power to cast out demons .

  3. 艾米丽意外调制出了一种能让自己隐形并让莉迪娅获得神力的秘方,于是这两位缺乏经验的中年妇女穿上了橡胶制服,组成了世界上第一支超级英雄团队。

    Emily concocts8 a secret formula that accidentally gives her the power of invisibility , and gives Lydia phenomenal strength , so the two inexperienced middle-aged9 women put on rubber suits and become the world 's first superhero team .

  4. 结论心脑神力口服液对小鼠具有抗氧化损伤作用,能增加SOD活力,降低MDA含量。

    Conclusion : Xinnaoshenli Oral Liquid had anti-oxidative effects to mice , which can increase the activity of sod and decrease MDA content .

  5. 一名女神听说了这件事,她非常得愤怒,并用神力使Narcissus爱上了他自己。

    The Maiden , a goddess , found out about this , and she was very angry . She made Narcissus fall in love with himself .

  6. 多年来,美国国内一直把爱宝与神力之间的持久战当成例证,用以说明西方公司在中国保护其知识产权(ipr)方面所面临的艰难处境。

    The prolonged battle between abro and magpow has been cited for years in the US as an example of the difficult struggle Western companies face to protect their intellectual property rights ( IPR ) in China .

  7. 这些圣徒被认为具有天赐的治病神力。

    These saints are accredited with the blessed gift of healing .

  8. 并从神力之轮上获得了什么。

    And what I had yet to acquire on the wheel .

  9. 神力补口服液的毒理及药效学研究

    Study on Pharmacodynamics and Toxicology of Shen Li Bu Oral Liquid

  10. 传说中,这座金字塔蕴藏着变换的神力。

    According to the legend , the pyramid contains transformation powers .

  11. 这些人不相信神力和神迹。

    These people don 't believe in magic or sign .

  12. 他宣称有驱魔的神力。

    He claimed to have the power to out demons .

  13. 也许喝了某种让你拥有神力的魔药?

    Some magical potion to give you strength , perhaps ?

  14. 愿自然的神力常伴你左右。

    And I wish the natural power will always be with you .

  15. 我希望有神力帮助。

    I wish I could get some divine intervention here .

  16. 上帝来搭救你时,你会感到他的神力。

    You will feel the power of God as he restores you .

  17. 你知道我实际上并没有神力。

    You do know that I don 't actually have magical powers .

  18. 这也许正是为什么我们发现“万能神力”这么有吸引力的原因。

    This perhaps is why we find the God complex so tempting .

  19. 阿瑞斯继续用他的神力摧毁雅典。

    Ares continues to level the city of Athens with his great power .

  20. 如果上帝整天到处显示他的神力。

    If he went around doing big , flashy miracles all the time .

  21. 有传言说神像有神力。

    Rumor has it the idol has magical powers .

  22. 她似有神力佑助,历经种种危险都安然无恙。

    She bore a charmed life , and prospered amid dangers and alarms .

  23. 守护神一个地方的神力或精神。

    A presiding divinity or spirit of a place .

  24. 他们把他捧上了天,说他是神力无穷的人。

    They overpraised him to the skies , as a man of limitless might .

  25. 它们把人们崇拜的神力和魔力人格化了。

    And magic powers worshipped by the people .

  26. 用你的神力,帮我们面对。

    And lift our faces unto your goodness .

  27. 有着不可思议的神力,魔法。

    Has the inconceivable supernatural power , magic .

  28. 麦克卢汉可是个有降龙伏虎神力的名字。

    McLuhan is a name to conjure with .

  29. 让我们看看你们的真正神力!

    Show us the truth of your divinity !

  30. 这个姿势是媒体一般称为“神力女超人”的姿态。

    This one has been dubbed the " Wonder Woman " by the media .