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  • 网络Mahayana sastra
  1. 从吉藏的《大乘玄论》以及他专门描述二谛思想的《二谛义》的模式看出,他的思想是建立在扬弃之前二谛思想家的观点基础上自然发生的。

    The auspicious hidden from the mahayana xuan theory " and he dedicated to the description of two truths thought the two truths righteousness " mode that his thought is based on two truths before abandoning the thinker based on the view of naturally occurring .

  2. 晋宋之际以谢灵运为代表的山水诗的兴起,直接受到了大乘涅佛性论的深刻影响。

    Under the direct and profound impact of the Buddhist theory of Nirvana of Mahayana , the landscape poets headed by Xie Lingyun rose at the turn of the Eastern Jin and the Song Dynasties .

  3. 唐前中国传统观念是五官各司其职,大乘佛教诸经论主张“六根互用”,《楞严经》对此身体哲学尤有发挥。

    Prior to the Tang Dynasty , classics of Mahayana advocate the communication of six senses and Shurangrma Sutra elaborates a lot on this body philosophy .