
  • 网络gordonia axillaries;Gordonia acumenata;gordonia
  1. 不同覆盖处理对四川大头茶幼苗发生的影响

    Effects of different cover treatments on the emergence of seedlings of Gordonia acuminata

  2. 四川大头茶幼龄种群个体及构件水平上的自疏研究

    Studies on self-thinning model of Gordonia acuminata young tree population at individual and modular level

  3. 不同群落中四川大头茶(Gordoniaacuminata)花粉游离脯氨酸含量与种子产量

    Studies on pollen free proline content and seed yield of Gordonia acuminata in different communities

  4. 用Hegyi的单木竞争指数模型对不同演替阶段的四川大头茶群落内的四川大头茶种内、种间的竞争强度进行定量分析。

    With the aid of Hegyis ' single tree competition index model , we have quantitatively analysed the intraspecific and interspecific competition intensity of Gordonia acuminata at its different developing stages within its own community .

  5. 四川大头茶种群优势度增长动态的初步研究

    A study on the growth dynamics of dominance of Gordonia acuminata population

  6. 重庆缙云山四川大头茶群落物种多样性研究

    Study on species diversity of Gordonia acuminata communities on Jinyun mountain , chongqing

  7. 四川大头茶种子种群动态研究

    Study on the seed population dynamics of Gordonia acuminata

  8. 四川大头茶种子萌发特性的初步研究

    A preliminary study on germination characteristics of Gordonia acuminata

  9. 四川大头茶在其群落中的种内与种间竞争的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the intraspecific and interspecific competitions of Gordonia acuminata in its community

  10. 不同光环境下喜树与四川大头茶幼苗的表型可塑性

    Phenotypic Plasticity of the Seedlings of Camptotheca acuminata and Gordonia acuminata under Different Light Regimes

  11. 缙云山四川大头茶花粉游离脯氨酸含量与生殖产量特征研究

    Studies on pollen free proline content and features of reproductive yields of Gordonia acuminata in Jinyun Mountain

  12. 主分量分析能很好地反映4种光环境下的四川大头茶幼苗生长差异及其生态适应策略。

    Principal Component Analysis provided a good explanation for the growth difference and ecological adaptation strategies of G.

  13. 四川大头茶地理种群种子大小变异及对萌发、幼苗特征的影响

    The variation of seed sizes of Gordonia acuminata geographic populations and its effect on seed germination and seedling

  14. 通过人工播种的方法,研究了四川大头茶在不同覆土厚度以及不同枯叶覆盖下种子萌发及幼苗发生的差异。

    Allelopathic effect of allelochemicals in Cunninghamia lanceolata litter and humus soil on its seed germination after decomposing for six months ;

  15. 黄土高原不同立地条件类型刺槐生长与水热状况相关研究四川大头茶地理分布与环境水热状况的关系

    A study on the relations between the growth of Robinia pseudoacacia and the situations of moisture and heat capacity in different site types of Loess Plateau

  16. 结果表明,四川大头茶年轮年表与重庆地区年降水量密切相关。其年轮的功率谱密度值随波数分布不均匀。

    The results indicated that the chronological table had a significant positive correlation with the precipitation in Chongqing district , and the distribution of power spectrum was not even with its wave number .

  17. 本文旨在探讨不同含水率与不同温度对于大头茶、黄连木及台湾栾树等种子之储藏效果。

    The effects of moisture content and temperature on the storage behavior of seeds of Gordonia axillaris ( Boxb . ) Dietr . , Pistacia chinensis Bunge , and Koelreuteria henryi Dummer were investigated .

  18. 以四川大头茶植株的枝和顶芽为基本构件单元,对不同年龄级成熟植株的分枝率和顶芽数动态进行了研究。

    Considering the branch and leader bud of Gordonia acuminata as basic unit of modular populations , the dynamics of leader buds and bifurcation ratios were studied using data from different sampled trees with different age .

  19. 对大头茶种子雨和种子库、种子萌发过程、幼树生长时空动态研究表明,大头茶种群的更新过程可分为林窗期相、过渡期相、最适期相和终止期相;

    Studies on seed rain , seed pool , seed germinating process and seedling growth of Gordonia acuminata population show that its regeneration process can be divided into gap , transition , optimal and terminal phases .

  20. 发现在整个研究期间(1994年4月至1995年3月),所有演替阶段中四川大头茶1龄叶的含水量高于2龄叶。

    It is shown that water content of first year leaf was higher than that of second year leaf during the whole study period ( Apr , 1994 - Mar , 1995 ) with any given successional phase .

  21. 土壤酶活性(A层)的季节变化规律很明显,但不同的酶类,其变化规律不同,这与四川大头茶的两个落叶高峰和环境因子有关。

    Acuminata are higher than in the communities with lower ⅳ . 3 The seasonal regularities of soil enzymatic activities ( A horizon ) are very evident , it depends on the sorts of enzymes , it is related with two deciduous climax of G. Acuminata and environmental factors .