
  • 网络Daehwa Station
  1. 大化水电站大坝扬压力观测与分析

    Pressure ; observation and analysis of the uplift at Dahua dam

  2. 大化水电站外部观测设计介绍

    Scheme of External Observation of Dahua Hydroelectric Station in Guangxi Province

  3. 大化水电站发电机的增容改造

    Modification of Capacity Increment for Generator of Dahua Hydropower Station

  4. 大化水电站大坝安全运行管理综述

    Summary on dam safety operation management for Dahua Hydropower Station

  5. 大化水电站大坝变形监测资料分析

    Data analysis on deformation monitoring of Dahua Dam

  6. 大化水电站洪水优化调度中降低死水位约束条件的探讨

    Approach to reducing LDLs constrained conditions in flood optimization dispatching for Dahua Hydropower Station

  7. 大化水电站二期导流工程导流明渠泥沙运动与冲淤

    ^ Sediment Sluicing & Sediment Motion for Construction Diversion of Second Stage on the Dahua Hydropower Station

  8. 大化水电站坝顶门机主起升机构振动噪声分析

    Analysis of the vibration and noise of main lifting mechanism of the dam gantry crane in the Dahua Hydropower Station

  9. 大化水电站船闸卧倒闸门设计及启闭机布置桂平二线船闸闸底长廊道输水系统布置研究

    Design of Drop-tilting Gates at Dahua Hydropower Station and the Layout of Hoist Arrangement of lock bottom long-culvert filling & emptying system of Guiping Second-lane lock

  10. 大化水电站大坝基础岩石虽较差,但基础处理采取综合处理措施后,坝基扬压力及渗漏水量均较小。

    The rock foundation of the dam of the Dahua Hydro-project was relatively poor , however , both the uplift and water leakage under the dam are fairly low after a comprehensive foundation treatment .