
  • 网络shopping mall;Mall
  1. 陈告诉我这是一家五星级宾馆与大型购物商场,它预定今年底正式开张。

    It was , Chen told me , a five-star hotel and shopping mall , due to open at the end of this year .

  2. 而且小区配套设施齐备,有大型购物商场,儿童游乐场,业主会所,四个标准网球场,超级市场等等。

    Also , Tai Koo Shing has many amenities such as a grand shopping mall , wonderful playground , residents club , four standard tennis courts and a few supermarkets .

  3. 香港当然有咱中国最撩人馋嘴的美食和大型购物商场。

    Hong Kong certainly has excellent Chinese cuisine and shopping malls .

  4. 香港很多大型购物商场是大陆游客的必去之地。

    Hong Kong 's many malls are on most itineraries .

  5. 他想盖一间大型购物商场。

    He wants to build a big mall .

  6. 找出城里的大型购物商场,看看在哪家买最划算。

    Michael : Scope out the city 's shopping malls and find out the best deals .

  7. 8月30日,阿根廷一位名叫豪尔赫•卡斯蒂略的企业家将在靠近西部酒都门多萨的地方推介一个新的大型购物商场。

    On August 30 , an Argentine entrepreneur named Jorge Castillo will present a huge new mall near the Western wine capital of Mendoza .

  8. 购物模式的改变,而不是光顾市中心的商店,在郊区的人去城外离家较近的大型购物商场。

    Shopping patterns changed : instead ofpatronizingdowntown stores , people in the suburbs went to large shopping malls outside the city and closer to home .

  9. 即使是在大型购物商场,所购商品很多时,你也可以把袋子挎在肩上,而不必用手提。

    Even when doing a lot of shopping at a mall you can carry your reusable bags over the shoulder rather then carrying them in your hands .

  10. 购物模式改变,而不是光顾市中心的商店,在郊区的人去城外和离家较近的大型购物商场。

    Shopping patterns changed : instead of patronizing downtown stores , people in the suburbs went to large shopping malls outside the city and closer to home .

  11. 北京西北边一个新住宅区内有一栋大型购物商场,商场四楼就是北京最新的冰场。

    Nestled in a newly built neighborhood on the northwest side of Beijing , high up on the fourth floor of a massive shopping complex , is one of this city 's newest ice rinks .

  12. 在马来西亚,例如,科士威的店铺已成为常见的,不仅在住宅和住房领域,而且在大型超市,购物商场和其他商业领域。

    In Malaysia , for instance , Cosway 's outlets are now commonly found not only in residential and housing areas but also in hypermarkets , shopping malls and other commercial areas .