
  • 网络reduction;EMISSION REDUCTION;Reduce;reduce emission;CDM
  1. 在我国开展此领域的减排项目潜力巨大。在煤矿区实施减排项目,不仅可以保护环境,还可保证煤矿安全,提供清洁的能源。

    There is a great potential to develop CDM project in China coal mine sector with benefits of environmental protection , ensuring of coal mine safety and providing clean energy .

  2. 清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京家都议书》中规定的温室气体减排的一种灵活机制。

    CDM is one kind of compliance mechanisms which is defined under Kyoto protocot to reduce the greenhouse gas emission .

  3. 他必须令环境游说团体相信在减排方面将取得实质性进展。

    He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions

  4. 按照新规定,一些工厂的减排量要高达90%。

    Under the new rules , some factories will cut emissions by as much as 90 percent

  5. 参加第二十一届缔约方会议的国家注重量化减排承诺。

    The   nations   participating   at   COP   21   are   focusing   on   quantitative   emissions-reduction commitments .

  6. 随着各国都在不断设置减排目标,此时需要采取更有力的措施才能使其环境产生显著影响。

    As countries continue setting goals of reducing emissions , greater steps need to be taken to have a noticeable effect on the surrounding environment .

  7. 然而,该协议详细说明发达国家与发展中国家在其减排责任上没有正式的区别,这实际上忽视了既往的排放情况。

    However , the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions , effectively ignoring historical emissions .

  8. 如果我们想实现国家减排目标,同时帮助最易受气候影响的国家适应气候变伈,急霄有效地启动协议上概述的政策。

    There must urgently be a meaningful mobilisation of the policies outlined in the agreement if we are to achieve national emissions reductions while helping the most vulnerable countries adapt to climate change .

  9. 将全球气温上升控制在2℃以下的目标值得称赞,但是在巴黎会谈召开之前,各国上交的减排承诺未必能兑现。

    The goal of keeping global temperature rise " well below " 2 ~ C is commendable but the emissions-reduction pledges submitted by countries leading up to the Paris talks are very unlikely to deliver on this .

  10. 这项禁令之所以被讨论和实施,部分原因在于能源部的官员认为如果不能消除大部分的车辆排放,则无法达到2050年的减排目标。

    Part of the reason this ban is being discussed and implemented is because energy officials see that they will not reach their emissions goals by 2050 if they do not eliminate a large portion of vehicle emissions .

  11. 原因是当碳被定价时,最低成本的减排措施会首先实施。

    The   reason   is   that   when   carbon   is   priced ,   those   emissions reductions   that   are   least   costly   to   implement   will   happen   first .

  12. 这是第一次从国家层面,将温室气体减排的责任压实到企业。

    This is the first time the country has clarified the responsibilities of the enterprises to cut greenhouse gas emissions .

  13. 报告作者认为,无论情况如何发展,到2040年,全球升温将达到1.5摄氏度。如果未来几年不大力减排,这一天会来得更早。

    The authors believe that 1.5C will be reached by 2040 in all scenarios in the next few years , this will happen even earlier .

  14. 国际水泥工业CO2排放计算及减排措施

    Estimation and Abatement of CO_2 Emission from Cement Industry in Various Countries

  15. 《京都议定书》减排机制与WTO贸易规则的冲突及协调

    Reduction Mechanism of Kyoto Protocol and Trade Rules of WTO : Conflict and Co-Ordination

  16. 同时本文还利用HE模型评估了中国在一定的经济-技术-能源-环境条件下的CO2减排资源量。

    This paper also evaluates China 's emission reduction under certain economic-technical - energy-environmental conditions .

  17. 因此,CO2的减排刻不容缓。

    Therefore , the reduction of CO2 emission is imperative .

  18. 我国钢铁工业CO2排放状况及减排的途径

    The situation of co_2 emission from china 's steel industry and the prospect of emission reduction

  19. 全面建设小康社会的能源合理利用与CO2减排

    Energy Resources Use Properly and Carbon Dioxide Emission Limits in the Process of Building the All-Roundly Well-off Society in China

  20. 这些通过国家间沟通或者向秘书处报告的减排措施将被添加进附录II的列表中。

    Those mitigation actions in national communications or otherwise communicated to the Secretariat will be added to the list in appendix II .

  21. 火电厂和IGCC及煤气化SOFC混合循环减排CO2的分析

    Analysis of conventional power plant , igcc and coal gasification SOFC hybrid with co_2 mitigation

  22. CDM减排与氟化工产业发展的关系

    CDM emission reduction with the fluorine chemical industry development

  23. 因此研究中国农田土壤N2O的排放特征及估算其排放量对提出合理减排措施和估算全球N2O排放量有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the estimation of direct N_2O emission from agricultural fields in China is of great significance in the estimation of global N_2O emission .

  24. 隧道采用LED照明系统不仅可有效提高隧道照明安全等级,而且具有十分重要的节能减排意义。

    LED illumination system used in tunnel will not only effectively improve the safety for tunnel lighting , but also have great importance on energy saving and emission reduction .

  25. 选择性催化氧化/还原技术(SCR)是最有效的减排控制技术。

    Selective catalytic oxidation / reduction technology is the most effective kind of processing to reduce their emissions .

  26. 由于CO2减排的迫在眉睫,全球都在研究高效、低成本、无害的捕集、封存CO2技术。

    CO2 emission reduction is imminent . Many researchers are studying on CCS technology which is high performance , low cost and environmentally friendly .

  27. 碳捕集与封存技术(CarbonCaptureandStorage)是一项新兴的、具有大规模减排潜力的技术,有望实现二氧化碳接近零排放。

    Carbon capture and storage technology ( the Carbon Capture and Storage ) is an emerging technology with large-scale emission reduction potential and is expected to achieve near-zero emissions of carbon dioxide .

  28. 在减排CO2同时,SO2、TSP排放量相应减少,从而促进大气环境质量的改善。

    When reducing discharging CO_2 , at same time SO_2 and TSP discharge amount relatively reduce so promote improvement of air environment quality .

  29. 随着加入WTO以后,中国经济得到了迅猛发展的同时碳排放量也在快速增加,这使我国面临了国际社会巨大的减排压力。

    With accession into WTO , the economy of China increased rapidly as well as the carbon emissions . So China had to face the huge international pressure of reducing the emissions .

  30. 为响应国家开发利用新能源的号召,促进节能减排事业的发展,本文设计了一套太阳能LED隧道照明系统。

    To response to the call of utilizing new energy and promoting the great work of energy conservation , There has been designed a set of solar LED tunnel lighting system in this paper .