
  1. 加大减税降费力度

    Further cut taxes and fees

  2. 2019年出台的减税降费政策在今年继续实施。

    The tax and fee reduction policy introduced last year has into this year .

  3. 减税降费政策措施要落地生根,让企业轻装上阵。

    Policies to cut taxes and fees must in order to ease the burden on enterprises .

  4. 官员表示,减税降费等政策在支持市场主体、提振信心和稳定经济方面发挥了有效作用。

    Officials say policies including tax and fee cuts have been effective in supporting market entities , boosting confidence and stabilizing the economy .

  5. 官方数据显示,中国第一季度减税降费超过7400亿元人民币(约合1050亿美元)。

    Official data shows China cut taxes and fees by over 740 billion yuan , roughly 105 billion U.S. dollars , in the first quarter .

  6. 其中今年年新出台支持疫情防控和经济社会发展的税费优惠政策新增减税降费近3200亿元。

    Close to 320 billion yuan of the total were saved the preferential measures unveiled this year to support economic development and the containment of COVID-19 .

  7. 会议表示,要彻底落实对小微企业的减税降费,同时将鼓励金融机构为这些企业提供更便捷、更实惠的融资服务。

    It says the tax and fee cuts for micro and small enterprises must be thoroughly implemented , while financial institutions will be encouraged to make financing easier and more affordable for those companies .

  8. 官方数据显示,海外留学人员总数约160万人,目前在国外的约142万。官方数据显示,今年前两个月,全国减税降费超过4000亿元人民币。

    Official data shows around 1.4 million of some 1.6 million overseas Chinese students are abroad Official data shows that China cut taxes and fees by over 400 billion yuan in the first two months of this year .

  9. 一份官方声明表示,中国将实施减税降费,加大普惠融资力度,落实各项措施帮助企业应对物价上涨带来的影响。该声明表示,中国将打击推高原材料价格的囤积和投机行为。

    An official statement says China will implement tax and fee cuts , ramp up inclusive financing , and implement measures to help businesses the impacts of rising prices . It says the country will hoarding and speculative behaviors that are pushing up the prices of raw materials .

  10. 继续实行结构性减税和普遍性降费,进一步减轻企业特别是小微企业负担。

    We will continue to make structural tax reductions and cut fees across the board so as to further lighten the burden on enterprises , particularly small and micro businesses .

  11. 其余减税降费额是2019年更大规模减税降费政策在今年继续实施形成的结果。

    The remaining taxes and fees reduced resulted from the implementation of a larger scale of tax and fee cut policies rolled out last year .

  12. 同时,小微企业普惠性减税和个人所得税专项附加扣除等政策减税降费近200亿元。

    Meanwhile , inclusive tax reductions for small and micro enterprises and deductions in personal income tax made up for nearly 20 billion yuan .