
jiǎn chǎn
  • Reduce production;drop in production;cut down production;reduce the output of sth.
减产 [jiǎn chǎn]
  • [fail;decrease in output;drop in crop yields;falling yields;production declines;reduction of output] 比预期的或希望的产量减少

  • 桃子的收成减产

  1. 震后企业停产减产损失估计方法的研究

    Study on estimation of post-earthquake loss due to stop and drop in production of enterprises

  2. 他表示:近期的减产是一种心理恐慌。

    The recent drop in production is a sort of psychological panic , he said .

  3. 我们只得减产。

    We had to cut back production .

  4. 去年罕见的干旱天气已导致农业减产。

    Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production

  5. 一种叫玉米根虫的害虫每年会让粮食减产10%。

    Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm .

  6. 减产百分之十。

    Output dropped by ten per cent .

  7. 这次水灾造成相当大的减产。

    The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production .

  8. 在新款iPhone发布后的一个季度里,供应商削减产量乃是常事。

    Typically , suppliers reduce production in the quarter following a new iPhone release .

  9. 包括丰田汽车(ToyotaMotorCorp.)在内的一些公司已经表示,将在4月份减产。

    Some companies , including Toyota Motor Corp. , have already said they will cut production in April .

  10. steelbusinessbriefing最近一项调查显示,接受调查的钢厂中,有一半预计本季度将减产,不过幅度不到5%。

    A recent steel business briefing survey showed that half of the mills surveyed expected to cut production this quarter , albeit by less than 5 per cent .

  11. 造成减产的主要原因是倒伏显著降低了结荚花序数/枝条及荚果数/结荚花序(P0.05)。

    The reason of seed yield decreased by lodging was that lodging reduced racemes per stem and pods per raceme significantly ( P0.05 ) .

  12. 沙特阿拉伯承担了石油卡特尔欧佩克(opec)宣布的大部分减产份额。

    Saudi Arabia has shouldered the bulk of the output cuts announced by OPEC , the oil cartel .

  13. 如果有证据显示中国经济增长出现了更大程度的放缓,即使欧佩克大幅减产,石油价格也有可能暴跌。SpencerSwartz/NeilKingJr。

    Any evidence of a sharper slowdown in China would likely send oil prices plunging even in the face of sharp OPEC cuts .

  14. 石油卡特尔组织欧佩克(Opec)已经宣布了有史以来幅度最大的减产计划。

    The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries , the oil cartel , has announced the biggest output cut in its history .

  15. 杨树的胁地范围是30m,胁地范围内平均减产10.0&23.1%。

    The soil coerced range of populus is 30m , average reducing yield in it is 10.0-23.13 % .

  16. 本周,来自联合国和经济合作和发展组织(OrganisationforEconomicCo-operationandDevelopment)的报道称,一些环境因素,诸如旱灾、减产和土地流失很有可能会制约全球粮食产量的增长。

    This week , the UN and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development reported that environmental factors such as droughts , bad harvests and lack of land were likely to limit the growth of global food output .

  17. 实际上,这正是欧佩克(Opec)上周末反对通过减产迫使油价上涨的主要原因。

    That , indeed , is the main reason Opec decided this weekend against trying to force prices up by cutting back output .

  18. 用盆栽小麦幼苗地上部分的含Cd量、生物减产量和幼苗过氧化物酶POD活性突变点所对应的土壤含Cd量标征土壤Cd污染,结果表明是可行的。

    Abstract The assessment of Cd pollution in soil by Cd concentration in the above ground part of pot-cultured wheat seedling , the decrease in biomass and POD activity mutation point was feasible .

  19. 1998年,查韦斯当选,当时社会动荡,而且由于OPEC在实行减产,石油收益也出现下跌。

    Mr. Ch á vez was elected in 1998 in the face of social unrest and falling oil revenue after OPEC imposed cuts in output .

  20. 结果表明:宜春油茶幼林土壤养分限制因子为N、P、Ca,盆栽不施N、P、Ca作物分别减产63.97%、61.32%和19.08%。

    The result displayed that the main nutrients limiting factors of young oil-tea soil were N , P , Ca and the yields would be reduced by 63.97 % , 61.32 % and 19.08 % without N , P , Ca.

  21. 沙特则一直强硬地拒绝减产。基金公司ForesterCapitalManagement负责人汤姆o弗雷斯特说,如果沙特继续这样做,其他新兴市场就可能受到不利影响。

    The Saudis have been playing hardball by refusing to cut production , and if they continue , other parts of the emerging markets could get hit , says Tom Forester , head of Forester Capital Management .

  22. 虽然欧佩克内部不时有要求减产的呼声传出,但油价攀升加大了石油输出国组织(OPEC,简称:欧佩克)保持供应稳定的压力。

    Higher prices put more pressure on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to keep supplies steady despite some calls within the cartel to cut output .

  23. 以减产10%为依据,确定了在该土壤中镍的毒性临界值为143·1mg/kg(全量)和9.0mg/kg(0.005mo1/LDTPA提取量)

    When the yield decreased by 10 % , the critical concentrations of Ni in soil were 143 . lmg / kg ( total ) and 9.0mg/kg ( DTPA extracted ) .

  24. Cd处理后每盆穗数和每穗颖花数减少是减产的主要原因,结实率和千粒重在Cd处理与CK间无显著差异。

    The reduction in grain yield was mainly attributed to the reduction in panicles per pot and spikelets per panicle . The differences in seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight were not significant between the Cd treatment and CK .

  25. pH3.5的模拟酸雨造成小麦和白菜减产;

    A pH 3.5 pH value acid precipitation caused yi-eld reduction of wheat and Chinese cabbage .

  26. 同时,力拓在美国犹他州的宾厄姆峡谷(BinghamCanyon)铜矿今年将因修复性工作而减产,该铜矿运营已超过一个世纪。

    Meanwhile , Bingham Canyon , Rio 's mine in Utah that has produced copper for more than a century , will cut output this year amid rehabilitation work .

  27. Pope说,这可能带来重大的影响,诸如所有主粮作物减产、森林火灾、干旱、冰川融化和洪水风险。

    This would have major implications such as reduced yields for all major cereal crops , as well as forest fires , drought , glacier melting and flood risks , said Pope .

  28. 上周,投资者对石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)投了不信任票,尽管该组织决定减产,但油价跌幅仍为近20年之最。

    Investors delivered a vote of no confidence in Opec last week when oil prices plummeted by the most in almost two decades even though the cartel decided to curb production .

  29. 土壤酸化是土壤退化的一个重要方面。土壤酸化伴随着土壤pH下降、盐基和养分损失、铝和重金属活性提高,从而导致森林衰退和农作物减产。

    Soil acidification is one of the important process of soil degeneration , which lead to decrease of pH , lose of base and nutrient , enhancement of aluminum and heavy metals activation , consequently resulting of deforestations and desease of crops ' yield .

  30. 现在就减产在经济上实在没有意义,因为大部分成本已是沉没成本,标普资本智商股权投资(SPCapitalIQEquity)的能源产业分析师斯图尔特·格里克曼(StewartGlickman)表示。

    It really makes no economic sense to bring down production at this point because most of the costs are sunk , said Stewart Glickman , an energy equity analyst with SP Capital IQ Equity .