- 动Reduce production;drop in production;cut down production;reduce the output of sth.

[fail;decrease in output;drop in crop yields;falling yields;production declines;reduction of output] 比预期的或希望的产量减少
Study on estimation of post-earthquake loss due to stop and drop in production of enterprises
The recent drop in production is a sort of psychological panic , he said .
We had to cut back production .
Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production
Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm .
Output dropped by ten per cent .
The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production .
Typically , suppliers reduce production in the quarter following a new iPhone release .
Some companies , including Toyota Motor Corp. , have already said they will cut production in April .
A recent steel business briefing survey showed that half of the mills surveyed expected to cut production this quarter , albeit by less than 5 per cent .
The reason of seed yield decreased by lodging was that lodging reduced racemes per stem and pods per raceme significantly ( P0.05 ) .
Saudi Arabia has shouldered the bulk of the output cuts announced by OPEC , the oil cartel .
Any evidence of a sharper slowdown in China would likely send oil prices plunging even in the face of sharp OPEC cuts .
The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries , the oil cartel , has announced the biggest output cut in its history .
The soil coerced range of populus is 30m , average reducing yield in it is 10.0-23.13 % .
This week , the UN and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development reported that environmental factors such as droughts , bad harvests and lack of land were likely to limit the growth of global food output .
That , indeed , is the main reason Opec decided this weekend against trying to force prices up by cutting back output .
Abstract The assessment of Cd pollution in soil by Cd concentration in the above ground part of pot-cultured wheat seedling , the decrease in biomass and POD activity mutation point was feasible .
Mr. Ch á vez was elected in 1998 in the face of social unrest and falling oil revenue after OPEC imposed cuts in output .
The result displayed that the main nutrients limiting factors of young oil-tea soil were N , P , Ca and the yields would be reduced by 63.97 % , 61.32 % and 19.08 % without N , P , Ca.
The Saudis have been playing hardball by refusing to cut production , and if they continue , other parts of the emerging markets could get hit , says Tom Forester , head of Forester Capital Management .
Higher prices put more pressure on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to keep supplies steady despite some calls within the cartel to cut output .
When the yield decreased by 10 % , the critical concentrations of Ni in soil were 143 . lmg / kg ( total ) and 9.0mg/kg ( DTPA extracted ) .
The reduction in grain yield was mainly attributed to the reduction in panicles per pot and spikelets per panicle . The differences in seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight were not significant between the Cd treatment and CK .
A pH 3.5 pH value acid precipitation caused yi-eld reduction of wheat and Chinese cabbage .
Meanwhile , Bingham Canyon , Rio 's mine in Utah that has produced copper for more than a century , will cut output this year amid rehabilitation work .
This would have major implications such as reduced yields for all major cereal crops , as well as forest fires , drought , glacier melting and flood risks , said Pope .
Investors delivered a vote of no confidence in Opec last week when oil prices plummeted by the most in almost two decades even though the cartel decided to curb production .
Soil acidification is one of the important process of soil degeneration , which lead to decrease of pH , lose of base and nutrient , enhancement of aluminum and heavy metals activation , consequently resulting of deforestations and desease of crops ' yield .
It really makes no economic sense to bring down production at this point because most of the costs are sunk , said Stewart Glickman , an energy equity analyst with SP Capital IQ Equity .