
  • 网络mass selection;bulk selection;mixed bulk selection
  1. 在群体改良方案中,混合选择法既可以保持群体内的遗传变异,又可以防止近交衰退。

    Compared with other ways of population improvement , Mass selection can not only preserve genetic variance within populations , but also prevent from inbreeding depression .

  2. 改良混合选择法在绿絮棉育种中的应用

    Utilization of the Modified Method of Mixing Selection in the Green Fiber Cotton Breeding

  3. 阜葱一号是以冬灵白为母本,三叶齐为父本人工有性杂交,通过改良混合选择法育成的大葱新品种。

    The new welsh onion cultivar , Fucong No.1 is developed by crossing Donglingbai ( female parent ) and Sanyeqi ( male parent ) through the modified method of mixing selection .