
  1. LeRicher把本地人流连忘返的温馨感与现代风格小餐馆的高水准合二为一,作为为数不多的混合经营咖啡馆,正在改变巴黎的咖啡文化。

    Combining the warmth of a local hangout with the high standards of a modern bistro , Le Richer belongs to a handful of hybrids that are transforming Parisian caf é culture .

  2. 在世界经济、金融全球化,多元化发展的今天,金融混合经营已经成为金融业发展的必然趋势。

    Today mixed operation has been the developing trend of finance business with the world economy 's globalization and the financial diversification .

  3. 国外许多大型商业银行实行的是混业经营模式,即银行业务与证券、保险业务以及实业融合在一起,实行混合经营。

    Many large foreign commercial banks carry out comprehensive management , which is a valid combination among banking , securities and insurances , even with industries .

  4. 由于保险经营环境的剧变,保险经营自身固有的特性以及金融业混合经营后出现的新变化等,对保险公司风险管理新理论和新方法的研究迫在眉睫。

    Owing to the violent change in the insurance market , it is urgent to study new theories and methods of risk management in insurance field .

  5. 零散的维持生计的个体农场,或者说混合经营的小规模家庭农场,在发达国家已日益减少,但在非洲和亚洲的发展中国家里仍大量存在。

    Individual subsistence farms or small-family mixed-farm operations are decreasing in number in developed countries but are still numerous in the developing countries of Africa and Asia .

  6. 因此,在公交行业中需要研究政府与市场的效率边界,建立起以国有经济为主导,多方参与的混合经营制度模式。

    As a result , public transportation industry need to study the efficiency of the government and the market boundaries , set up the leading state-owned economy , multi-operating system to participate in mixed mode .

  7. 同时,应该采取韩国产业银行的经营模式,对其政策性业务和商业性金融业务进行混合经营,并成立不同的业务部门进行经营、分账管理。

    At the same time , China Development Bank should adopt the management mode of Korea Development Bank , and do the policy financial business and commercial financial business in different departments and accounts . 3 .

  8. 垄断竞争市场中上市公司混合式多元经营战略研究

    A Study on Conglomerate Diversification Strategy of Stock Corporation in Monopolistic Competition Market

  9. 成功混合网络和实体经营的高档连锁店Lewis称,线上和线下销售是相互促进的。

    Happily hybrid John Lewis , an upmarket department-store chain , says that on - and offline shopping spur each other on .

  10. 企业通过纵向兼并可以拓宽企业的渠道,降低企业经营的成本,企业通过混合兼并可以扩大经营范围,分散和降低企业的经营风险。

    Vertical mergers may widen channels and reduce cost ; Mix mergers may extend scope and depress venture .