
  • 网络Red Deer
  1. 红鹿市以其众多的公园、世界一流的娱乐设施和多种多样的文化机会而闻名。

    Red Deer is known for its parks , world class recreation facilities and varied cultural opportunities .

  2. 从红鹿市到落基山脉只有3小时的车程,从埃德蒙顿和卡尔加里的国际机场出发则仅需1.5小时的车程。

    Red Deer is only a3 hour drive to the Rocky Mountains and serviced by international airports at Edmonton and Calgary & a1.5 hr drive .

  3. 红鹿市公立学校邀请您来到加拿大艾伯塔省红鹿市,就读我们的学校。

    We invite you to come and study with us in Red Deer , Alberta , Canada .

  4. 红鹿市坐落在艾伯塔省中部草原,位于省会城市埃德蒙顿和1988年冬奥会举办城市卡尔加里之间。

    Nestled in the parkland of central Alberta , Red Deer is situated midway between Edmonton , the province 's capital and Calgary , the site of the1988 Winter Olympics .