
hóng fěn jiā rén
  • Pink Beauty;a young beauty;a gaily dressed beauty
红粉佳人[hóng fěn jiā rén]
  1. “红粉佳人”的味道有点儿甜。

    The taste of " Pink Lady " is sweet .

  2. 菲尔讨厌主流音乐,所以他不知道红粉佳人是谁。

    Phil hates mainstream music , so he doesn 't know who Pink is .

  3. 我看完《红粉佳人》后我也好想参加美国人的毕业舞会。(《红粉佳人》:1986年青春爱情校园电影,片中有毕业舞会桥段)

    Ever since I saw Pretty in Pink , I 've wanted to go to an American prom .

  4. 绕过一群正在试妆的红粉佳人,多兰悄悄走进一台设备,轻拍了一下它的显示屏。

    Bypassing a battalion of blush , Dolan sidled up to a kiosk and lightly tapped on its display .

  5. 红粉佳人这句经典用语适用于所有女性,尤其是步入更年期的女性,因为粉红色会显现女性气质和年轻气质。

    The phrase ' pretty in pink ' really does work for all women , particularly those entering the menopause , as pink is associated with youth and femininity .

  6. 好主意,请给我来一杯红粉佳人鸡尾酒,给我丈夫一杯马丁尼酒,给我女儿一杯热牛奶吧。

    That 's a good idea . a pink lady for me , a Martini for my husband and a glass of hot milk for my daughter , please .

  7. 对于我来说,这一类泰国电影有着20世纪90年代约翰休斯所导演的青春爱情喜剧的某种健康活力,如《红粉佳人》和《十六支蜡烛》。

    To me , this type of Thai film has some of the exuberance and energy of the John Hughes teenage romantic comedies of the 1990s , such as Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles .

  8. 宝剑赠英雄,红粉送佳人。

    A sword is given to hero , a flower is gived to beauty .