
  • 网络Infrared imaging;IR imaging;IIR
  1. 利用多项式拟合和MATLAB估算红外成像系统的归一化噪声功率谱

    Estimation of Normalized Noise Power Spectrum of Infrared Imaging System with Polynomial Fitting and MATLAB

  2. 基于MEMS技术的红外成像焦平面阵列

    A MEMS Based Focus Plane Array for Infrared Imaging

  3. 红外成像目标模拟器方位系统的对偶自校正PID控制

    Dual self-tuning PID control to azimuth system of infrared photogenic objective simulator

  4. 基于CANNY算子的自适应双阈值油罐油位红外成像检测

    Detection of IR imaging of auto-adaptive double-threshold tanks ' level based on Canny operator

  5. 用COTS多处理机实现红外成像跟踪系统

    Implementation of the IR image track system with cots Multiprocessors

  6. 红外成像GIF引信起爆控制算法研究

    Study on Bursting Control Arithmetic for IR-imaging GIF Fuze

  7. 并对金刚石车削技术加工红外成像光学系统中折射/衍射混合(hybrid)光学透镜进行了原理性实验,加工了用于中波红外3-5μm波段非球面锗基体折射/衍射混合透镜。

    A conceptual experiment is carried out on machining hybrid optical lens used in Infrared imaging optics with diamond cutting technique , the lens is a medium wave IR 3-5 u m aspheric element .

  8. 同时,超大规模集成电路和高性能PC的出现,使用红外成像仿真技术,更加方便了红外智能系统的测试和调整。

    At the same time , the come-forth of SLSI and super PC , makes it convenient for the test and adjustment of IR intelligence system by using the simulated IR imagery .

  9. 首先对3-D脉冲相干成像激光雷达系统作了简单的介绍,并且给出了针对该激光雷达系统进行的理论分析,给出了被动红外成像单像素统计模型。

    First this paper introduces a three-dimensional laser radar and analyses the laser radar system , then introduces the forward-looking infrared ( FLIR ) system and its single pixel statistics .

  10. 提出了一种多扫描预平滑RLS自适应算法用于增强红外成像数据中的弱目标检测。

    A multi-scan pre-smoothing RLS adaptive algorithm is proposed to enhance the detection of dim infrared targets in image data .

  11. 通过对TOD法进行分析,阐述了TOD法的基本思想,研究了TOD曲线和TOD准则的产生机理及其在红外成像系统现场性能评估方面的实现方法。

    The generation principle of TOD curve and TOD criteria is discussed , and how to predict the IR imaging system field performance is illustrated .

  12. 大型红外成像目标模拟器方位伺服电机是一大惯量、变参数非标准装置,针对该电机的具体情况,提出了一种对偶自校正PID控制器。

    The azimuthal servo DC of large infrared photogenic objective simulator is a nonstandard equipment with large inertia and time varying parameters . This paper presents a dual self tuning PID controller according to the special case of this DC .

  13. 第三章的主要内容是:根据上一章的图像算法,完成非制冷红外成像系统的硬件设计,硬件系统包括:AD数据采集模块,图像处理模块和视频合成模块;

    In the third part of the article , we designed the hardware of uncooled infrared imaging system to meet the goal of image algorithm , which include AD data acquire module , image processing module and video synthesize module .

  14. 成像制导已成为精确制导武器的主要发展趋势,越来越受到重视,它包括红外成像制导、可见光图像制导、SAR图像制导等形式。

    Imaging guidance has been a primary development trend of precise guidance weapon , and been thought to be more and more important . It contains infrared imaging guidance , visible light imaging guidance and SAR image guidance and so on .

  15. 为了提高玉米冠层半球方向亮温(DBT)测量的准确性,对一套由工业用起重机平台和热红外成像仪组成的地面观测系统的四种测量方法进行了对比和评价。

    In this study , a recent crane based thermal camera system developed by INRA-Avignon of France is presented , and then four measuring methods for hemispherical directional brightness temperature ( DBT ) observations are introduced .

  16. 美国战区高空区域防御(THAAD)系统拦截导弹,选用动能杀伤器与来袭目标直接碰撞摧毁目标。动能杀伤器采用红外成像寻的器。

    THAAD system intercept missiles use kinetic energy antipersonnel weapon to impact target and destroy it , the kinetic energy antipersonnel weapons use imaging IR seeker .

  17. 将Rudin提出的红外成像捷联稳定模型用于天线平台的稳定,并应用不变性原理,采取匹配滤波方法,提高了稳定平台的解耦精度。

    The strapdown stabilization model for imaging presented by Rudin was applied to antenna stabilized platform . Based on invariance principle , matching filter was used to stabilize antenna platform .

  18. 目标在复杂背景中的红外成像特性研究

    The Research of Infrared Imaging Signature while Targets in Clutter Backgrounds

  19. 金属管内壁腐蚀的红外成像检测

    Inner Surface Corrosion Detection of Metal Tube Using Infrared Imaging Technique

  20. 防空导弹红外成像寻的制导技术研究

    Research on IR Imaging Homing Guidance Technology of Air Defence Missile

  21. 红外成像技术被广泛的应用于军、民等各个领域。

    Infrared imaging technology is widely used in military and civilian .

  22. 一种精确制导用凝视红外成像系统设计

    A Design of Staring IR Imaging System Applied in Precise Seeker

  23. 基于二元光学的红外成像光谱仪离轴系统设计

    Design of Off-axial Optical System for Binary Optic Infrared Imaging Spectrometer

  24. 研究了一种用于回转窑的红外成像系统;

    A thermal imaging system used in a rotary kiln is developed .

  25. 抗红外成像制导技术浅析

    Briefly analyzed for the technique of anti IR image guidance

  26. 红外成像制导系统目标模拟器的研究

    The Study of Target Simulator for Infrared Imaging Guided System

  27. 运动效应和背景杂波对红外成像系统性能评估的修正

    Modification of motion and background clutter on IR imaging system performance model

  28. 铁电陶瓷焦平面阵列红外成像技术

    The Infrared Imaging Technique with the Focal Plane Array of Ferroelectric Ceramics

  29. 低信噪比红外成像制导跟踪算法研究

    Research on Infrared Image Guidance Tracking Algorithms Under Low SNR

  30. 二维粗糙海面的光散射及其红外成像

    Light Scattering and Imaging of Two-Dimensional Rough Sea Surface in the Infrared