
  • 网络infrared guidance
  1. PbS探测器具有灵敏度高、可室温工作而不需制冷的优点,广泛用于红外制导、红外侦查等军事领域和火灾探测等民用领域。

    PbS detectors are widely used in infrared guidance , infrared detection , fire detection and other military and civilian areas for their high photosensitivity and ability to work at room temperature without refrigeration .

  2. 对红外制导系统的噪声分析与动态模拟

    Noise Analysis and Dynamic Analogies in Infrared Guidance System

  3. 激光对红外制导反舰导弹的干扰与损伤分析

    Analysis of laser disturbance and damage to IR homing anti-warship missile

  4. 面元法的红外制导图像边缘检测

    Edge Detection Investigation of Infrared Image based on Cell Surface Method

  5. 双色红外制导信息处理系统研究

    Research into double - Colour IR guidance information processing system

  6. 红外制导系统中的点目标检测技术

    On the Detection of Point Target in IR Homing System

  7. 国内外红外制导武器系统半实物仿真技术评述

    A Review of the Hardware-in-Loop Simulation Technology of Infrared Guided Weapon Systems

  8. 红外制导系统误差信号分布曲线及盲区的计算

    Calculation of error signal profile and blind area of an infrared guidance system

  9. 红外制导武器抗激光致盲技术纵横谈

    The View of Anti-laser Blinding Technique of Infrared-guided Weapon

  10. 红外制导武器仿真系统的发展概况

    Development state of simulation system for infrared guided weapons

  11. 使用玫瑰线/螺线图形扫描的双色红外制导技术

    Dual Spectral Range IR Guidance with " Rosette / Spiral " Scanning Pattern

  12. 红外制导半实物仿真系统中大气传输模型的分析

    Atmosphere Translation Model Analysis in IR Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation System

  13. 空战中主要使用的是红外制导空空导弹。

    In air war , infrared control and guide air-to-air missiles are used primarily .

  14. 先进红外制导导弹对抗方法研究

    Study on Advanced IR Guided Missile Countermeasures

  15. 然后根据预警机自身的特点,着重研究了预警机如何与点源型红外制导导弹进行对抗的情况。

    Secondly , how the airborne radar confront the point-type infrared missile is studied emphatically .

  16. 相关跟踪算法是红外制导空空导弹的关键技术。

    The related tracking algorithm is the key technique of infrared control and guide air-to-air missiles .

  17. 它从简单的电视制导系统发展到激光制导系统和红外制导系统。

    It has progressed from simple television guidance , to laser guidance , to imaging guidance .

  18. 红外制导与激光制导

    Infrared guidance and laser guidance

  19. 在红外制导系统中,大气衰减作用对红外探测有重要影响。

    In an infrared guidance system , the atmosphere attenuation has an significant influence on infrared detection .

  20. 此外,还介绍了我国红外制导导弹半实物仿真技术的发展概况。

    It also presents the development of the hardware-in-the-loop simulation techology of the infrared guided missile in China .

  21. 本文介绍双色红外制导系统的计算机仿真研究。

    A study on computer simulation of dual spectral range IR guidance system is reported in this paper .

  22. 在中近程反坦克导弹红外制导系统中,图像分割的结果更注重于目标的位置信息。

    The position information of targets is important in the image guidance systems of middle / short-range anti-tank missiles .

  23. 随着红外制导导弹速度的提高,对红外光学材料的性能要求越来越高。

    Future high speed missile IR systems will require materials to be more durable and transparent than those now .

  24. 本文对红外制导跟踪系统采用的玫瑰线扫描的特性进行了分析。

    In this paper , the feature of rosetter scan used in IR guiding and tracking system has been analyzed .

  25. 利用机载激光来对抗红外制导导弹,可以有效提高飞机在遭受红外导弹攻击时的生存能力。

    The viability of airplane can be effectively enhanced when airborne laser system is equipped to counterattack IR guided missile .

  26. 目标检测在计算机视觉,雷达跟踪,红外制导,电视跟踪等研究领域有着极其重要的地位。

    In the field of computer vision , radar tracking , infrared guidance and television tracking , target detection is an extremely important position .

  27. 为对抗红外制导和雷达(电磁)制导于一体复合制导武器的出现,该论文开展一种新型多功能复合诱饵剂的制备工艺及其性能测试方面的研究。

    This paper is on the research of a new multifunctional decoy composition , which can counterwork the weapons guided by infrared and radar ( electromagnetic ) .

  28. 介绍对双色红外制导系统所进行的计算机仿真研究。包括扫描搜索与跟踪的工作模式,目标、背景信号特征的分析,扫描波形的形成,目标识别和有关信号处理等的研究。

    Computer simulations for the operation of scan searching and tracking , target characteristics , background , scanning waves , target discern and signal processing have been done .

  29. 采用比例接近导引法的红外制导空&空导弹在任意倾斜平面内的攻击区计算

    The calculation of the effective ranges in shooting at targets in any inclined plane of air to air missiles which use infrared guidance system and proportional navigation method

  30. 介绍了国内外红外制导仿真系统的发展,分析了红外成像制导仿真的关键技术,给出了结构框图和光路图。

    The development of IR guided weapon simulation system at home and abroad is reviewed , key techniques are analyzed , relevant diagrams and optical configurations are presented .