
hónɡ wài fēn ɡuānɡ ɡuānɡ dù fǎ
  • infrared spectrophotometry
  1. 用红外分光光度法定量分析PVC电缆粒料中双酚A抗氧剂的含量

    Determination of Bisphenol A in Granular PVC Cable by Infrared Spectrophotometry

  2. 红外分光光度法测定烟道气中油烟的探讨

    Discussion on Determination of Lampblack in Flue Gas by Infrared Spectrophotometry

  3. 主要采用单因素法优化制备工艺,HPLC法测定其载药量、包封率等特性,激光粒度仪测定其粒径及分布,红外分光光度法确证含药胶束特征。

    The method of examining the single factor was used to optimize the preparation procedure . The drug loading and encapsulation were determined by HPLC . The mean diameter and distribution of the particle size were also assayed .

  4. 红外分光光度法测定沉积物中油类的方法研究

    Study on Determination of Oil in Sediment by Infrared Photometric Method

  5. 红外分光光度法测定粉尘中游离二氧化硅的含量

    Determination of free silicon dioxide in dust by infrared spectrophotometry

  6. 近红外分光光度法在白酒检测中的应用

    Application of measuring distilled spirit with near infrared spectrophotometry

  7. 红外分光光度法测定石油类项目中器皿的洗涤及样品的预处理

    The Way to Wash Apparatus and Pretreat Samples when Determining Oil Content with Infrared Spectrometry Method

  8. 目的:建立红外分光光度法测定棕榈氯霉素A晶型的方法。

    AIM The purpose is to establish a FTIR method for the assay of the chloramphenicol palmitate polymorph A.

  9. 分析研究结果表明,分散红外分光光度法对不同组成的样品有更好的适应性。

    As a result , the way of dispersing infrared has preferable compatibility in all samples composed of different polluted oil .

  10. 用红外分光光度法和顶空-气相色谱法测定废水中的丙烷、丁烷,监测结果也有很大差异。

    We determine propane and butane in wastewater with infrared spectrophotometry and headspace - gas chromatography and the results are different .

  11. 运用红外分光光度法测定沉积物样品中油类,较好地解决了标准油品的问题;

    How to analyze oil in sediment by infrared photometric method and preferably solve the problem of standard oil is described ;

  12. 试验还证明:采用高精度傅立叶变换红外分光光度法检测磁化水磁化度是一种行之有效的方法。

    Experiment also proved that using highly accurate FTIR Spectroscopy is an effective method to exam the magnetized degree of magnetized water .

  13. 提出了与红外分光光度法对比试验和修正非分散红外法测油仪检测结果的方法。

    Puts forward a test by contrast with the infrared spectrophotometry , and a method of correction the test result of the instrument .

  14. 本文对矿山粉尘和铸造粉尘的游离二氧化硅含量进行了红外分光光度法和焦磷酸重量法的对比测定。

    Free silica in mining dust ( MD ) and in foundry dust ( FD ) was measured by both ultrared spectrophotometry and pyrophosphoric acid-weight .

  15. 提出了非分散红外分光光度法测定饮食业油烟的方法,采用红外光谱仪,于2930cm-1波数处进行测量。

    To detect smoke and oil of restaurant service industry in non-dispersive infrared spectrophotometry , using infrared spectrometer , in 2 930 cm ~ ( - 1 ) .

  16. 本文探讨了红外分光光度法测定水中石油类的适宜条件,干扰物的消除,以及方法的精密度和准确度。

    This article expounds the suitable coditions of determining oil in water with spectrophotometric method and how to dispel interferential matters , and discusses precision and veracity of this method .

  17. 本文首先对红外分光光度法进行了研究,试验结果显示萃取剂四氯化碳的纯度对污染土壤中油含量的测量结果的精确度有一定的影响。

    The study of Infrared spectrophotometry , results showed that the purity of carbon tetrachloride has certain effect on the accuracy of the measurement results of the oil content of contaminated soil .

  18. 方法:采用红外分光光度法,以无水乙醇为溶剂进行重结晶,并以高纯度溴化钾压片测定红外吸收光谱。

    METHODS : The infrared spectrophotometry was adopted , in which the recrystallization was carried out with the dehydrated alcohol as the solvent and with the highly pure potassium bromide tabletting as the infrared absorption spectrum .

  19. 采用近红外分光光度法对白酒中的乙醇含量进行检测,通过对一系列浓度乙醇溶液的近红外短波光谱特征建立回归方程,从而对白酒真实样品的乙醇含量进行预报。

    The content of ethanol in wine was measured by near infrared spectrophotometry to set up regression equation through the near infrared shortwave spectrum characteristics to a series of density ethanol solutions . The content of ethanol of the wine true sample could be predicted .

  20. 近红外显微分光光度法鉴别油漆的研究

    Identification of Paint by Near Infrared Microspectrophotometry

  21. 本文用两种不同的红外光度法(分散红外分光光度法和非分散红外光度法)分别测定了水中油,对两种不同的红外光度法在分析测试过程中的各种情况进行了分析研究。

    This paper describes the variety of situation in the analysis of oil in water with two different ways ( non-dispersion infrared and dispersion infrared ) by infrared-spectrophotometer .