
  • 网络reaumuria soongorica;REDSAND;reaumurta soongorica
  1. 红砂、合头草无论在任何情况下都能以优势种出现,是能够较强适应当地环境的植物。

    Under any circumstance , Reaumuria soongorica and Sympegma regelii Bge are dominant species , showing a strong adaptation to local environment .

  2. 福建晋江科任(KR)老红砂分布区地处我国东南沿海,属于东亚季风影响的典型区域,较好的记录了东亚季风控制区古气候演变过程。

    The distribution area of KR " old red sand " of Jinjiang in Fujian locating in the southeast coast of China is the typical region strongly influenced by the East Asian monsoon which can nicely record the paleoclimate evolutionary process of the East Asian monsoon .

  3. 老红砂成因、年龄与发育模式。

    Formation , age and development pattern of old red sand .

  4. 浙江普陀山岛老红砂的成因与环境

    Origin and Circumstance of Old Red Sand Sediment On Putuo Island

  5. 研究了沙埋深度对荒漠植物红砂幼苗出土和生长的影响。

    The impacts of sand burial on seedling development of Caragana intermedia ;

  6. 中国东南沿海老红砂研究综述

    A Summary of " Old Red Sand " research in coastal southeast China

  7. 红砂属植物研究进展。

    The study progress on plant of Reaumuria linn .

  8. 闽东南沿海老红砂的地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characters of the Old Red Sands along the Coast of Southeast Fujian

  9. 粤东及琼东北第四纪老红砂风成的若干证据

    Some proofs about eolian origin of Quaternary old red sands in eastern Guangdong and Northeastern Hainan

  10. 闽粤沿海老红砂的热释光测年

    TL Dating of the " Old Red Sand " on the Coasts of Fujian and Guangdong

  11. 台湾海峡西岸第四纪沉积层中的老红砂

    Old Red Sand in the quaternary sediment layer on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait

  12. 闽南粤东沿海老红砂沉积成因和时代的探讨

    Formation and age of old red sand in the coastal areas of South Fujian and East Guangdong

  13. 粤东沿海老红砂成因再探

    Further research on the formation of the old red sandy sediment along the eastern coast of Guangdong Province

  14. 闽东南沿海老红砂沉积地层与形成时代

    Sedimentary Stratum and Forming Age of the " Old Red Sand " along the Coast of Southeastern Fujian

  15. 海南文昌沿海老红砂沉积组构研究

    A study on the depositional fabric of the old red sandy sediment in Wenchang County of Hainan Island

  16. 红砂的蒸腾速率日变化曲线也呈M型,但午休现象不明显;

    Diurnal change curve of transpiration rate was also M-type , but " noon break " phenomenon was not obvious ;

  17. 老红砂是中国东南沿海独具特色的第四纪沉积物。

    The " Old Red Sand " is the Quaternary deposits with distinctive features in the coastal area of southeast China .

  18. 用60个引物进行扩增,筛选出扩增效果好的18个引物,为进一步研究红砂和长叶红砂的遗传多样性奠定了基础。

    60 RAPD primers were used to amplify and 18 primers with high resolution were screened , which lay a foundation for further genetic diversity research .

  19. 说明红砂灌丛具有明显的沃岛效应,并对草本植物的生长有促进作用。

    These results suggested that shrub R.soongorica had obvious " fertile island " effect , and had promotion effect on the growth of underlying herb plants .

  20. 长沙地区红砂岩层以软硬岩交互沉积而成,其软岩具有强度低、抗风化能力差、遇水软化和失水崩解等特殊力学性质。

    The special mechanical properties of the soft layer has low strength , weak resistance to weathering , soften by water and collapse after losing water .

  21. 红砂灌丛对草本植物密度、盖度和高度的相互作用强度均呈现正值,而植物丰富度的相互作用强度为负值。

    The relative interactive intensity of R.soongorica to herb plants density , coverage , and height were positive , whereas to herb plants species richness was negative .

  22. 本文对采自福建沿海的老红砂作了粒度分析、矿物鉴定和石英电镜扫描。

    In the paper , grain-size analyses , mineral identification and electron microscope scanning of quartz were made for " Old Red Sand " collected from Fujian coast .

  23. 地层对比中将红粘土与细砂互层与黄土沉积的L4相对应。

    The interbed of red clay and sand layers wascorrelated to L4 in loess-paleosol sequence .

  24. 红叉由许多砂岩体的复合体组成,形成一个弓形的带。

    The Red Fork comprises a complex of sandstone bodies forming an arcuate trend .