
hónɡ jǐnɡ tiān
  • rhodiola root
  1. 体内实验明显抑制了S180实体瘤小鼠肿瘤的生长并延长了S180腹水瘤小鼠的生存时间。红景天提取物具有一定的抗肿瘤效果。

    The extract possesses obviously anti-tumor effects on the solid sarcoma-180 and prolongs the survival time of mice with ascites sarcoma-180 . The extract from Rhodiola root has anti-tumor effects .

  2. 红景天苷对H2O2诱导子鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响

    Effect of Salidroside on H_2O_2-induced Apoptosis in Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes

  3. 目的建立红景天茶中红景天苷的HPLC测定方法。

    Objective To determine the content of salidroside in Hongjingtian tea by HPLC .

  4. 前列腺素E1、山莨菪碱和复方红景天对体外循环肺损伤的防治作用

    Prevention and treatment of lung injury during cardiopulmonary bypass with prostaglandin E_1 , anisodamine and composite rhodiolae

  5. 方法采用HPLC法测定红景天苷的含量。

    Method determination of salidroside by HPLC .

  6. 红景天多糖对小鼠体内脾淋巴细胞转化反应及NK细胞活性的影响

    Effects of RPPS on lymphocyte transformation and NK activity in mice

  7. 结论该法测定的HPLC指纹图谱为复方红景天口服液的质量控制提供了更全面的信息。

    ConclusionThe method can provide more information for the quality control of Compound Oral Liquid of Rhodiola .

  8. 红景天对小鼠脾Fas配体及穿孔素蛋白表达的影响

    Influence of Rhodiola on Expression of Fasl and Performing in Mice Spleen

  9. 红景天甙类和丹酚酸B对心肌梗死大鼠的促血管新生效应可能与这种作用有关。

    The influence of improving neovascularization in myocardial infarct rats by glycoside components of Rhodiola sacra and Salvianolic acid B may be related to these effects .

  10. 红景天对心肌梗死大鼠缺血心肌血管新生作用及对VEGF的影响

    Effects of Rhodiola on Angiogenesis and VEGF Expression in the Ischemic Myocardium of Rats with Myocardial Infarction

  11. 高山红景天多糖rsa的分离纯化和组成分析。

    Purification and composition analysis of a polysaccharide RSA from Rhodiola sachalinensis a.bor .

  12. 蔗糖对红景天甙含量的合成有影响,加3.5%蔗糖的MS培养基中生长的愈伤组织有利于红景天甙的合成。

    4 , Sucrose had significant effects on the accumulation of salidroside and MS medium containing 3.5 % sucrose was the best .

  13. 红景天苷预处理可显著抑制NMDA诱导的NO产生和NOS活性增加。

    Salidroside pretreatment significantly inhibited the NMDA-induced NO production and NOS activity . 4 .

  14. 红景天甙对人肝癌细胞c-myc表达的逆转作用

    Reverse effects of salidroside on expression of c-myc in SMMC-7721 cell line in vitro

  15. 红景天对高原去势大鼠骨质疏松症的血清IL-6和TNF-α含量的影响

    Effect of Rhodiola on Serum Level of IL-6 and TNF - α in Castrated Rats with Osteoporosis at High Altitude

  16. 高山红景天甙明显影响外周血ACh水平。

    Salidroside alpine significantly affects the level of peripheral ACh .

  17. 方法:用免疫细胞化学染色法检测HSC内增殖细胞核抗原(proliferatingcellnuclearantigen,PC-NA)的表达,流式细胞仪分析红景天甙作用于乙醛刺激的HSC后细胞周期的变化。

    Method : Immunocytochemical stain was employed to detect the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen . ( PCNA ) in HSC .

  18. 高山红景天甙对血管性痴呆大鼠学习记忆及外周血ACh含量的影响

    Effects of RSGS on Learning / Memory and the Blood ACh Content in Vascular Dementia Rats

  19. 目的:探讨红景天复方(CRM)对红细胞免疫粘附功能的影响及其生理意义。

    Aim : To investigate the effect of compound rhodiola mixture ( CRM ) on the red blood cell ( RBC ) immunologic adhesion function .

  20. 结论老化过程中ANP基因表达能力明显衰退,红景天具有一定的抑制心脏内分泌功能老化的作用。

    CONCLUSION The ANP gene expression declined during aging development and salidroside possessed anti-aging effects in the heart endocrine function .

  21. 用丙二醛法确定红景天提取物浓度为300μg/ml时,对体系中·OH抑制程度达到最大。

    When the concentration of the Rhodiola sacra extract was 300 μ g / ml determined by MDA method , in the system , the inhibition of · OH generation reached the highest extent .

  22. 方法:1.通过镜下形态分析和MTT比色法,观察红景天苷对原代培养海马神经元形态和活力的影响。

    Phase contrast microscope and MTT assay were used to observe the effects of salidroside on morphology and viability of primary cultured hippocampal neurons . 2 .

  23. 结果红景天组与辛伐他汀组的血清胆固醇和血清LDL-C均明显低于空白对照组,血清MMP-3水平也明显下降(P0.05或P0.01);

    Results Rhodiola rosea and Simvastatin could both decrease serum total cholesterol and LDL-C , serum MMP-3 also dropped ( P 0.05 or P 0.01 ) .

  24. 经UV、IR、~1H-NMR、~(13)C-NMR和2D-NMR结构鉴定,确定为红景天苷,并作为对照品备用。

    The structures was determined by spectroscopic means such as UV , IR , 1H-NMR , 13C-NMR , 2D-NMR and identified it as salidroside .

  25. 红景天甙对HSC-T6细胞株Rho/ROCK信号通路影响的研究

    Effects of salidroside on signal transduction of Rho / ROCK in the hepatic stellate cell

  26. 采用中等浓度的乙醇溶液作为纤维素酶的反应体系可有效提高红景天总黄酮的浸出率,粗提物得率高,且DPPH清除活性较强。

    The cellulose-ethanol extraction method shows high effectiveness , the crude extract has the highest yield with stronger DPPH radical scavenging activity .

  27. 红景天苷在大鼠体内生物利用度的研究红景天苷及其半乳糖苷类似物体对柯萨奇B3病毒的抑制作用

    Bioavailability study of salidroside in rats The in vitro and in vivo antiviral effect of salidroside and its analogue against coxsackievirus B3

  28. 目的研究兔烫伤早期多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)及红景天的防治作用,并分析其作用机制。

    AIM To study multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) of the rabbit after burn and the therapeutic effect of Rhodiola and to analysis its acting mechanism .

  29. 红景天抑制小鼠宫颈癌U14生长的研究

    Growth Inhibition Effects of Rhodiola Rosea on Cervical Carcinoma ( U14 ) in Mice

  30. 结果:红景天苷能降低实验性肝纤维化模型大鼠血清中升高的ALT、AST、NO、HA、LN水平和肝组织中过高的Hyp、MDA的含量。

    RESULTS : Salidrose significantly reduced the elevated levels of ALT , AST , NO , HA , LN in serum and the exorbitant Hyp and MDA in liver tissue .