
  1. 永乐宫壁画在时空媒介中的装饰美感探析

    The Decorative Beauty of Yongle Palace Murals Displayed by Chronological Media

  2. 在这里,作者通过对壁画中各个人物的服饰造型与装饰的研究,来阐述永乐宫壁画的历史文化价值和艺术价值。

    Here , the author of various characters on murals in the style and decoration of costumes , to elaborate the Yongle Palace Murals in the historical and cultural value and artistic value .

  3. 永乐宫壁画是我国保存最完整的元代寺观壁画。

    Yongle Palace Mural is the best preserved in China Yuan temple murals .

  4. 永乐宫壁画与中国传统绘画色彩

    Chinese Traditional Painting Color and Mural of Yongle Temple

  5. 第二章介绍永乐宫壁画线的艺术特色,主要是从壁画中线的表现形式、装饰性、书法性,以及以线造型在壁画中的运用。

    Chapter Two introduces the lines , decorative and calligraphic features of the Mural .

  6. 道教艺术与永乐宫壁画浅谈

    A Brief Introduction on the Art of Taoism and the Frescos in the Yongle Palace

  7. 另一方面沿着中国壁画艺术历史发展的轨迹,阐述了永乐宫壁画的历史渊源。

    At the same time , I also expounded their historical origin along the track of the development of Chinese art of frescos .

  8. 本论文四个组成部分之间相互联系,科学与艺术渗透其中,通过系统地分析和深入地研究,提炼和挖掘出永乐宫壁画艺术中的科学技术内涵。

    In conclusion , the connotation of science and technology implied in the art of frescos in Yongle Palace was finally revealed through those above-mentioned analyses and studies .

  9. 永乐宫壁画作为我国元代寺观壁画的代表作,它所呈现出来的艺术价值和历史价值是其它壁画无法比拟的。

    Yongle Palace Mural paintings as representative of China in the Yuan Dynasty temple , its presentation of the artistic value and historical value is unmatched by other murals .

  10. 永乐宫壁画是元代壁画的最高成就,是中国乃至世界壁画史上的一块瑰宝。

    The Yongle Palace is may be regarded as the peak of all the murals in Yuan dynasty , and an invaluable treasure to China and even to the world .

  11. 第三章为“永乐宫壁画反映的科学内容”。永乐宫壁画如何将艺术和科学精巧地融合;

    The idea of science reflected in the frescos in Yongle Palace : The fresco in Yongle Palace not only is artistic creation but also implies rich contents of science .

  12. 当代工笔画在广泛吸收传统卷轴绘画和西方写实绘画的同时,不断地吸收来自民间的传统壁画的营养如敦煌壁画和永乐宫壁画等优秀传统壁画。

    The contemporary painting in the broad absorption of the traditional scroll painting and Western realism paintings at the same time , absorbing the traditional folk paintings from the Dunhuang murals , such as nutrition and Yongle Palace murals and other fine traditional paintings .

  13. 本论文对永乐宫壁画艺术进行深入、系统的研究和探讨。

    This paper , by means of the deep and systematical studies in the art of frescos in the Yongle palace ( the Palace of Forever Happiness ), is to tap and refine the connotation of science and the value of art of these frescos .

  14. 这一部分首先对敦煌莫高窟壁画、永乐宫壁画的保护方案做以了解,汲取有益于八王书院壁画保护的措施,也从中归纳了其中导致壁画损害的因素。

    This part of the dunhuang murals , and The Dunhuang High Grottos and The Yongle Palace for the murals protection schemes have to understand , these are beneficial to " The eight king ' stemple " the murals protection measures and make up for the damage to the wall .