
  • 网络Perennialism;eternalism;Educational perennialism
  1. 倡导训练心智传统核心课程和分科课程的,其思想往往来源于永恒主义或要素主义;

    The ideas underpinning traditional mental training curriculum and subject-based curriculum origin from perpetualism and essentialism .

  2. 血腥的战争使作家们认清了自己的神圣使命和职责:捍卫自由、主、平和永恒的人道主义。

    The bloody war forced writers to realize their holy envoy and responsibility : championship of freedom , democracy , peace and eternal humanitarianism .

  3. 在荷兰,占主导地位的思想是信奉永恒罪孽的加尔文主义。

    The dominant Dutch tradition is Calvinist , and Calvinism believes in eternal sin .

  4. 如何正确认识历史教学永恒主题的爱国主义教育,探索爱国主义教育的有效途径和方法,是中学历史教学亟待加强研究和解答的课题。

    The subject strengthens research and solve in the middle school education immediately is how to understand permanent subject patriotism education of history instruction correctly and seek some availability and methods of patriotism education .