
  1. 上周六,中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBankCorp.)也对向互联网理财产品转账设定了额度,成为最近一家采取此类措施的大型银行。

    On Saturday , China Construction Bank Corp. became the latest of the major banks to impose limits on transfers to mobile products .

  2. 该部门称,对腾讯互联网理财产品的额度为每笔人民币1万元,每月不超过5万元。

    For Tencent 's online product , the limit is 10000 yuan per transfer and 50000 yuan a month , the department said .

  3. 许多年轻人用银行存款账户资金购买了互联网理财产品,这些产品获得的成功在中国国有企业主导、受到严格监管的金融行业引发了震动。

    The success has sent ripples through China 's state-dominated and heavily regulated financial industry , as many younger Chinese have transferred their savings from the banks into the online products .

  4. 另外,中国央行还暗示,可能要求互联网理财产品像银行存款那样留存准备金。

    The bank also has suggested that online investment products could be forced to hold reserves on the funds that they attract -- much like banks must do on their deposits .

  5. 过去一年,因为提供比国有银行存款账户更高的收益率,阿里巴巴和腾讯推出的互联网理财产品吸引了数百亿美元的资金。

    Over the past year , Alibaba and Tencent have attracted tens of billions of dollars by marketing online investment products that feature higher returns than those on savings accounts offered by state banks .

  6. 我国的理财业务起步较晚,但现阶段发展迅猛,形成了多方面的投资渠道,甚至互联网的理财方式也在蓬勃兴起。

    Wealth management business in China started late , but developed rapidly at present stage .

  7. 使用自动柜员机、「缴费聆」、透过互联网或电话理财服务缴款,请先行输入本通知书下半部所示的16位数字编号。

    For payment through ATM , by PPS , through Internet or phone-banking service , please key in the16-digit serial number shown at the lower portion of this notice for making payment .