
  • 网络SINA Community;COMMUNITY
  1. 语音聊天,接收多媒体信息,互动社区,都在同一个地方!

    Voice chat , receive multi-media messages , interact with communities all in one place !

  2. 良性的,互动的社区与学校的关系有利于社区的发展,也有利于学校自身的进步。

    Good and interactive relationship benefits the development of community and the improvement of school .

  3. 本文提出了一种从互动问答社区抽取复述的方法。

    We propose a method on how to extract paraphrase from interactive Q & A communities in this paper .

  4. 社区多中心秩序的建立将促进居民互动和社区化,促进居民对社区事务的有序参与。

    The establishment of community multi-centered order will promote the interaction among the residents and the community as well as the residents ' orderly participation in community affairs .

  5. 然后,本文结合互动问答社区的特点,通过对近年来复述抽取方法的研究,论证了从互动问答社区抽取复述的可能性。

    Secondly , we demonstrate the feasibility extracting paraphrase from interactive Q A communities by analyzing features on interactive Q A communities and deeply study on methods of paraphrasing in recent years .

  6. 在现实条件下,实现城市弱势青少年群体的增权途径,主要通过家庭系统、同辈互动、社区参与和舆论媒体等,从而使其提升能力,获得资源。

    Taking current condition into consideration , we can empower the vulnerable youth groups with the help of family , youth interaction , community participation and the media so as to improve their ability and provide them with more resources .

  7. 同时还要处理社区自治组织与社区党组织、业主委员会、物业管理公司和社区中介组织等组织的关系,形成良好的、互动的社区自治组织的生态系统。

    And it also means to deal with the relationship between the community self-governing organizations and other organizations such as community party organizations , proprietors ' committees , property management companies and community intermediary organizations , so that establish a well and mutually beneficial ecological system of community self-governing organizations .

  8. 讲故事是准备从互动的网上社区的反馈为基础的游戏开发公司和每周更新。

    Story telling is prepared by the developing company and weekly updates of the game are based on feedback from the interactive online community .

  9. 从社区的角度来看,要大力发展社区服务,建立社会互助网络;增强居民之间的互动,提高社区凝聚力;拓宽渠道,发展社区小额信贷;构建社区支援综合网络。

    From the social angel , they should develop the community service , but a social network , strengthen the interaction between the residents , enhance the community cohesive force ; develop the community small quantity credit ; construct community supporting network .

  10. 多重互动的网络学习社区研究

    Study on the Multi-Interactive Web-Learning Community

  11. 前言部分提出网络互动形成了虚拟社区,建构了不同于现实文化的虚拟文化,从而引出了本文的研究范围与研究目的。

    In the preface , the writer considers network have come into being virtual community and establish virtual culture .

  12. 在公民志愿者、学界乃至私营部门的支持下,这类官方互动能促使当地社区进行全球交流。

    Those official endorsements , with the support of citizen volunteers , academia and the private sector , empower a community to engage globally .

  13. 建构多重互动的网络学习社区,研究和开发高互动、智能性的数字化教学资料和教学过程,是实现网络学习社区未来发展的根本途径。

    The essential path to guarantee the future development of Web-learning community is to build a multi-interactive one and is to study and to develop highly interactive intelligent digital teaching resources and process .

  14. 国家与社会的高度一体化使得社区公共利益缺乏生成的空间,随着利益主体的多元化,城市社区政治过程中各个利益主体之间通过合作互动,共同解决社区公共问题。

    High degree state-society integration increasingly squeezes the formation space for communal public interest while diversification of interest subjects in urban community is ever-growing , therefore , they solve communal public issues by cooperative interaction .

  15. 通过分析结果可知,虚拟学习社区成员的互动程度较高,社区成员对知识共享存在一定的积极性,但学习社区内知识共享的层次较低,主要集中在对观点的比较上。

    The analysis results indicate that the interaction degree of the virtual learning community members is high , Community members have a very high enthusiasm to knowledge sharing , but knowledge sharing is in the low level in virtual learning community , mainly concentrated on the comparison of the view .

  16. 社区消费者通过社区平台相互交流,彼此间的互动会直接或间接地影响其消费价值,而且积极的社会互动可能导致社区产品/服务的正反馈效应。

    Community consumers exchange product and service information through online community , so social interactions between them may affect their consumption value directly or indirectly . Moreover , the positive interactions could result in positive feedback effects .