
hù lì hé zuò
  • mutual beneficial cooperation
互利合作[hù lì hé zuò]
  1. 将以高品质的产品和优质的售后服务与广大客商建立长期的互利合作关系。

    We will establish the long-term mutual beneficial cooperation with the general merchants in the high quality product and the high quality after-sale service .

  2. 人类社会的进步离不开国际合作,世界各国只有在互利合作中才能实现共同发展。

    The progress of human society can not be separated by international cooperation . Countries in the world can only achieve development by means of mutual beneficial cooperation .

  3. 坚持互利合作,强化利益融合。

    The two sides shall stick to mutually-beneficial cooperation and consolidate convergence of interests .

  4. “亲望亲好,邻望邻好。”中国将坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,巩固睦邻友好,深化互利合作,努力使自身发展更好惠及周边国家。

    As a Chinese saying goes , neighbors wish each other well , just as loved ones do to each other . China will continue to promote friendship and partnership with its neighbors , consolidate friendly ties and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with them and ensure that its development will bring even greater benefits to its neighbors .

  5. 第二,坚持互利合作,实现共同繁荣。

    Second , uphold mutually beneficial cooperation to achieve common prosperity .

  6. 成就辉煌的中非互利合作五十年

    Great Success of Fifty Years ' Sino-African Mutual Benefit Cooperation

  7. 中非互利合作持续快速发展。

    China-Africa mutually beneficial cooperation is growing rapidly and sustainably .

  8. 二是深化互利合作,加快共同发展。

    The second was to deepen reciprocal cooperation and speed up common development .

  9. 国际社会实现持久和平,共同繁荣任重而道远。互利合作、共同繁荣,是维护和平的经济保障。

    Mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity constitutes the economic guarantee for world peace .

  10. 还要长期发展同包括东盟国家在内的世界各国的互利合作。

    We also need to develop long-term mutually-beneficial cooperation with ASEAN and other countries .

  11. 我们在外交上致力于推进国家之间的和平共处、平等相待、互利合作、共同发展;

    On the diplomatic front we are committed to promoting peaceful co-existence between countries .

  12. 一是要加强能源开发利用的互利合作。

    First , cooperation should be enhanced for mutual benefit in energy development and utilization .

  13. 当前,中印两国都在加快发展,这为两国加强互利合作提供了更多机遇。

    At present , both China and India are pursuing development at a faster pace .

  14. 感谢您的建议,期望与您互利合作。

    Thank you for your proposal and hope to work with you to our mutual advantage .

  15. 我们应相互尊重和信任,在平等交流中增进理解,在互利合作中超越分歧。

    With mutual respect , we can increase mutual understanding and settle our differences through cooperation .

  16. 欢迎新老客户同我们互利合作、共同成长。

    Welcome new and regular customers to cooperate with us for joint growth and mutual success .

  17. 双方互利合作越深入,传统友谊就越牢固。

    The deeper our mutually beneficial cooperation goes , the stronger our traditional friendship will be .

  18. 促进了互利合作,推进了地区一体化建设,共同努力妥善处理和解决地区的热点问题。

    China and neighboring countries promoted the integration process and worked together to solve many thorny issues .

  19. 对于中英两国来说,危机将促使我们延伸和拓宽互利合作的内涵。

    To China and Britain , this crisis will serve as a catalyst to enrich our reciprocal cooperation .

  20. 中美共同利益的纽带越来越粗壮,互利合作越来越广泛深入了。

    The common interests linking our two countries have widened and our mutually-beneficial cooperation has expanded and deepened .

  21. 中国与中亚国家在上合组织框架内的互利合作步入新阶段

    A New Stage for Mutual Benefit Cooperation between China and Central Asian Countries in the Framework of SCO

  22. 的美好篇章。中国与亚欧各国的互利合作正在步入一个全新的阶段。

    Now , the mutually beneficial cooperation among China , Asian and European countries are entering a new phase .

  23. 与谷歌进行互利合作(而不是攻击它),可能是更好的战略选择。

    Collaborating profitably with Google , rather than insulting it , is likely to be a better strategic choice .

  24. 中国发展的过程一定是与美国和世界其他国家扩大互利合作的过程。

    Chinas pursuit of development will undoubtedly expand its mutually beneficial cooperation with the United States and other countries .

  25. 第二,扩大互利合作,增强中俄共同发展的动力。

    Second , promoting mutually beneficial cooperation to provide fresh impetus for the joint development of the two countries .

  26. 你认为中美互利合作最有希望的领域是什么?

    What do you see as the most promising areas of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the United States ?

  27. 我们希望此次访问能够增进中韩睦邻友好关系,推动两国各领域互利合作取得新的进展。

    We hope that this visit will enhance the China-ROK good-neighborliness and friendship and promote further progress in mutually-beneficial cooperation .

  28. 与周边国家互利合作,是中国顺利实现发展战略的外部保障之一。

    The mutually cooperation between China and its peripheral countries is outside guarantee which China successfully realizes the developing strategy .

  29. 双方能源资源、制造业、金融、农业等领域互利合作成果丰硕。

    The two sides have conducted win-win , fruitful cooperation in energy , resources , manufacturing , finance and agriculture .

  30. 正视发展中存在的问题,采取积极的应对措施推进粤港疗养服务贸易区域合作应该成为两地互利合作的正确选择。

    It points out that it will be wise for the two regions to take positive measures to enhance their cooperation .