
hù miǎn qiān zhèng
  • Mutual visa exemption;mutual exemption of a visa
互免签证[hù miǎn qiān zhèng]
  1. 第一百五十五条中央人民政府协助或授权香港特别行政区政府与各国或各地区缔结互免签证协议。

    Article 155 The Central People 's Government shall assist or authorize the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to conclude visa abolition agreements with foreign states or regions .

  2. 他呼吁中泰进行密切的人文交流,商签持普通护照人员互免签证协议,加强文化、教育合作,不断增进两国人民之间的友好感情。

    He called for closer people-to-people exchanges , starting talks on visa exemption for regular passport holders and closer cooperation on culture and education so as to promote the friendship between the peoples of the two countries .