
  • 网络Internet News
  1. ITV还为中国提供互联网新闻节目,新闻播音员张同严称休斯顿对中国观众有很吸引人的一面。

    ITV also offers an Internet news program for China , where news announcer Tongyan Zhang said there is great interest in Houston .

  2. 互联网新闻信息服务管理规定

    Rules on the Administration of Internet News Information Services

  3. 这位微博服务工具twitter的发明人,意识到该办公场所的讽刺意味twitter本身逐渐成为互联网新闻的来源。

    The inventor of twitter , the micro-blogging service , is aware of the irony of the location Twitter is a rising Internet source of news itself .

  4. 互联网新闻博客Mashable把此事件看作“法律对媒体监管的不完整和持续改进的提醒。”

    Mashable sees it as a " reminder that laws governing social media are incomplete and constantly evolving . "

  5. 她还被微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)评为年度最有影响力的猫,并被互联网新闻博客Mashable评为2012年最重要的米姆文化基因。

    She was also named most influential cat of the year by MSNBC and most important meme of the year by Mashable in 2012 .

  6. 面向互联网新闻的在线话题检测算法

    Online Topic Detection Algorithm for Internet News

  7. 地方新闻网站是我国互联网新闻宣传事业的重要组成部分,也是我国新闻传播及网络传播领域的一个特色。

    Local news websites is a feature in the field of the news media and network media in China .

  8. 多数互联网新闻从业者称买不起房是其最大的压力来源。

    Most Internet media employees said that being unable to afford a house is their biggest source of pressure .

  9. 近38%的互联网新闻从业者表示,未来5年不打算离开这个行业。

    Nearly 38 % of Internet media employees said they do not plan on leaving the industry within five years .

  10. 而今年的普利策新闻奖也是首次允许互联网新闻网站参与角逐。

    This is the first year that the internet news websites are allowed to take part in the Pulitzer Prize .

  11. 随着近年来互联网新闻文本信息的急剧增多,文本聚类的方法得到了很广泛的应用和研究。

    With the rapid increase of text information in internet news , Text Clustering approach has been used and researched widely .

  12. 系统能够根据用户设定的不同主题新闻策略,动态监测互联网新闻信息源,自动采集相关网站新闻信息,对相关主题进行实时动态追踪。

    It can monitor and crawl Web news sources , and do topic tracking according to different topic strategies customized by users .

  13. 一项新的研究发现,美国人不满足于政治新闻摘要,而开始转向能够提供更多完整图像的互联网新闻。

    Americans dissatisfied with political sound bites are turning to the Internet for a more complete picture , a new study finds .

  14. 大学时代我选择了新闻学电子传媒方向。并在大学的最后一年开始去编辑电子报纸,进行实际的互联网新闻编辑和管理。

    And I began to edit e-newspapers in the final year of university , undertake the actual editing and management about Internet news .

  15. 在互联网新闻搜索引擎的研究中,去除内容相同或者相近的新闻是提高搜索引擎效率和准确度的关键技术之一。

    Removal of duplicated news is an important technique for Internet search engine , which improves the efficiency and accuracy of the search engine .

  16. 本文所采用的实验针对命名实体识别系统的处理流程进行了新的设计与实现,新方法主要包括以下内容:1.利用新闻抓取爬虫完整获取互联网新闻站点中的即时新闻,作为实验的测试数据。

    It contains follows : 1 . Using news spider to get the whole news which is on the Internet , to become test data .

  17. 另一个压力来源是新科技带来的挑战:多数互联网新闻从业者对虚拟现实、人工智能缺乏必要的了解。

    Another source of pressure comes from the challenge of new technology : most Internet media workers lack necessary understanding of virtual reality and artificial intelligence .

  18. 新闻单位设立的登载本单位已刊登播发的新闻信息的互联网新闻信息服务单位。

    Internet news information service providers established by news entities to publish the news information which has been published or broadcasted by the said news entities .

  19. 如果说,罗大佑是台湾乐坛当之无愧的“教父”,那么,陈彤可以称作中国互联网新闻的先驱和精神守望者。

    If Lotayu can be called the Godfather of Taiwan 's music , Chen can be named as the pioneer of China 's internet and spirit watcher .

  20. 而且,还有一些人成立起互联网新闻服务,即时提供专门的政治、天气、股票市场、体育和时装消息。

    Moreover , some individuals have formed Internet news services that provide specialized information instantaneously about politics , weather , the stock market , sports , and fashion .

  21. 根据日前发布的《2016网络新闻从业者生态报告》,我国互联网新闻从业者的特征是受教育程度高、工作时间长、职业幸福感低。

    China 's Internet media employees are defined by high education , long work hours and low job satisfaction , according to the 2016 report on Internet media workers .

  22. 二十世纪末,联合国新闻委员会正式将互联网新闻媒体誉为继报纸、广播、电视之后的第四媒体。

    At the end of twentieth century , Internet-based news media was celebrated as the fourth media following the newspapers , radio and television by the United Nations Information Centers .

  23. 比如,传统媒体新闻报道对壁球长期冷漠的问题,靠于互联网新闻的灵活性和低成本,基本上可获得解决。

    There is also an issue with the lack of coverage on Squash by the traditional news media , which can be basically compensated by the flexibility and low investment of web news .

  24. 《数字化时代的新闻理论与实践》一书以全球性网络新闻为背景,以中国互联网新闻传播研究为主线,对相关的理论和实践问题进行系统整合。

    The book , News Theory and Practice in a Digital Era , systematically integrates related theoretical and practical problems of the Internet news communication in China under the background of global network news .

  25. 报告显示,70%的互联网新闻从业者的年龄在30岁以下,94.1%拥有大学本科及以上学历,多数从业者认为自己属于社会的中偏下阶层。

    According to the report , 70 % of Internet media employees are under the age of 30 , 94.1 % have a college degree or above and most believe that they are at the lower-middle level of society .

  26. 通过分析新闻转载网络和论坛传播网络发现互联网新闻媒体的新闻来源非常广泛,商业门户网站对官方新闻网站具有依赖性;网络论坛中一些重要用户,关键帖子对信息传播具有重要影响。

    We find the mainstream Internet media has comprehensive sources of news , the commercial portal sites are partly depend on the official Internet media ; there are a few key topics and key users , which play an important in information spreading .

  27. 该系统面向互联网新闻报道流,自动去发现用户选择的任意一段时间内网络上的热点事件,并抽取热点事件的内容特征,从不同层面将事件的信息全面呈现给用户。

    The system is focused on the stream of news report on the Internet , which automatically discovers hot events on the Internet during any period selected by users , and can extract the content features of the hot event and present comprehensive event-related information to users .

  28. 2015年2月,这条裙子迅速席卷互联网。新闻网站Buzzfeed不久后推出的即时投票显示:68%的网友觉得这条裙子是白金色的。

    According to a Buzzfeed poll conducted shortly after the meme swept across the Interwebs last February , 68 percent of viewers saw white and gold .

  29. 介绍了互联网上新闻组信息搜索引擎DejaNews的基本情况,同时深入研究了其主要功能、特点、检索方法和技巧,并对其使用效果进行了客观的评介。

    This article introduces Deja News search engine of usenet newsgroup over Internet , and summarizes its main function , characteristics , search methods and skills , at last the author make an objective appraisal of the use effect of Deja News search engine .

  30. 在Web2.0技术革新下诞生的自媒体概念,囊括了多种互联网个人新闻应用形式,其中尤以博客、播客、SNS社交网站、微博等为国内当下最为普及和流行的应用代表。

    The concept " we media " was created under the innovation of Web 2.0 technology , including a variety of personal Internet news application , in which blog , podcast , SNS and micro-blog are currently the most popular forms in China .