
  • 网络obscene information
  1. 在研究淫秽信息涉罪问题过程中,首先应当在本质上把握淫秽信息的概念,进而分析其特点,从而归纳出淫秽信息犯罪的概念以及特点。

    In the research of obscene information involved in crime , one should first grasps the nature of the concept of obscenity , then analyze their characteristics , and further summarize the concept and characteristics of obscenity crimes .

  2. 根据上述的认定,能够比较清晰理解淫秽信息内涵,更能够把握罪与罪之间的联系和区别,结合刑法、司法解释条文,有利于辅助司法实务。

    According to the above identifications , one could fully understand the connotation of Pornographic Information and will be easier to grasp the difference and relationship between criminal or crimeless , together with criminal law and judicial interpretation of the provisions , judicial practice will be more efficient .

  3. 浅析网络淫秽电子信息传播行为的定罪量刑

    Primary Discussion on Declaration of Quilt and Measurement of Penalty for Crime of Spreading Pornographic Messages on Network