
  • 网络Open Platform;Myop
  1. 我们应该将亚太经合组织打造成推动一体化的制度平台,加强经验交流的政策平台,反对贸易保护主义的开放平台,深化经济技术合作的发展平台,推进互联互通的联接平台。

    The APEC can be an institutional platform to promote integration , a policy platform to strengthen experience exchanges , an open platform to fight against trade protectionism , a development platform to deepen economic and technological cooperation and a connection platform to promote connectivity .

  2. 虚拟DCS(VirtualDCS)是相对于在过程工业系统中运行的真实DCS(RealDCS)而言的,就是要在一种通常为开放平台的计算机信息管理系统中,尽可能真实地再现分散控制计算机系统。

    Virtual DCS reappear the real DCS as possible on a open platform .

  3. 中国将继续通过进博会等开放平台,支持各国企业拓展中国商机。

    China will pursue creative ways to grow foreign trade . Through the CIIE and other platforms of opening up , we will continue to support companies from around the world in exploring business opportunities in China .

  4. 第四章详细描述了能力开放平台接入子系统框架设计及GIS能力接入的设计和实现方案。

    Chapter IV details how to design and implement the system .

  5. 基于Internet电子商务的网络支付是建立在开放平台上的,所以其安全性问题是最为关键的问题。

    Network payment based on Internet is founded an opening environment , so its security is a pivotal problem .

  6. 谷歌(Google)电视采用开放平台的模式,但刚一上路就宣告失败。

    Google TV embraced the idea but failed with its first pass .

  7. Eclipse是一个搭建软件开发工具的开放平台。

    Eclipse is an open platform for building software development tools .

  8. 采用标准的API接口为网络运营商提供新业务的开放平台还没有成熟的产品;新业务的商用前景还不明朗;

    Lack of mature product with standard API to provide open platform for new service ;

  9. 开放平台实验室RFID管理系统设计

    The design of RFID management system for public labs

  10. 开放平台监控系统选取IBMTivoli软件作为开发工具。

    The monitoring system adopts the IBM Tivoli as its software development tool .

  11. 谷歌否认了所有有关其不当行为的指控,并表示Android是一个免费的开放平台。

    Google rejects any allegations of wrongdoing and says Android is an open platform distributed free .

  12. 让我们来看一些管理测量的例子,你能够使用IBM软件开放平台来实现每一个区域。

    Let 's look at examples of management measures you can implement with IBM Software Development Platform for each of these areas .

  13. 构建数字电视开放平台共创IPTV美好未来

    Developing Open Digital Television Platform to Advance IPTV

  14. WebServices的出现利用了Web这个开放平台,使服务器返回便于机器或程序处理的结果。

    The emergence of web services has taken the advantage of Web as the open platform , and the result returned from web services is convenient for the computer or program to process .

  15. 基于CTI开放平台的呼叫中心的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Calling Centers Based on the Open CTI Platform

  16. 它证明了,确如Google所说,Android是一个开放平台,可以鼓励更多参与者在Google代码库的基础上做开发。

    It validates Google 's message that Android is an open platform and it could encourage broader participation around Google 's code base .

  17. 基于时间序列分析的SNS开放平台应用研究

    Time Series Analysis of SNS Open Platform Applications

  18. 由于Eclipse是一个成熟的开放平台,它可以运行在多个操作系统上,而其本身仅提供基本用户界面,用户以插件的形式进行快速开发功能部件,可以专注于专门功能的实现上。

    Eclipse is a sophisticated open platform , which is designed to run on multiple operating systems to provide only the basic user interface .

  19. CloudFoundry是业界首个开放平台即服务产品,支持多种框架、应用服务与云基础设施。

    Cloud Foundry is the industry 's first open platform as a service , supporting a choice of frameworks , application services and cloud infrastructures .

  20. dW:您谈到开放平台,这意味着什么?

    DW : So when you talk about an open platform , what does this mean ?

  21. 2007年,它启动了facebook开放平台(facebookplatform),第三方公司可以在平台上发布并运行应用软件,例如由几组朋友一起玩游戏和答题。

    In 2007 it launched the Facebook platform , where third-party companies can launch and operate applications , such as games and quizzes played together by groups of friends .

  22. 越来越多的B2C零售商开始开放平台,从自营模式向联营模式转变。

    At the same time , more and more B2C retailers also change from merchant model to two-sided platform model .

  23. 根据影院运行管理需求,对现有技术和平台进行了分析,采用J2EE开放平台实现影院系统。

    According to the operation requirements of the cinema , we did the analysis on current technologies and platform . The system is an open platform based on J2EE .

  24. NGN是完全基于数据网络、特别是分组网络(IP网络)的IP承载网来实现语音业务及其他增值业务的开放平台。

    NGN is an open platform which realizes voice services and other value - added services based on data network , especially the IP carrying network of PBN ( IP network ) .

  25. 但随着时间的推移,用户间自主交换信息的模式,诸如用户间在Facebook上互动,或远程通讯互动一样(类似开放平台的概念),将会逐渐统治在线教育。

    But over time , an approach where users exchange information from each other similar to Facebook or telecommunications ( a facilitated network model ) will come to dominate online learning .

  26. 谷歌称将会继续维系课程制作工具,但主要集中为edX开放平台的发展提供帮助。

    Google says it will continue to maintain Course Builder , but is focusing its development efforts on Open edX .

  27. 随着移动应用的不断普及,Android以全新的开放平台和全球化的市场在众多移动应用开发平台中脱颖而出。

    With the growing popularity of mobile applications , Android stands out in a number of mobile application development platforms with its new open platform and the globalization of markets .

  28. 重点阐述了系统配置、现场总线(Profibus)、设备组态、开放平台、MES等功能特点及集成方法。

    The system configuration and fieldbus ( Profibus ), equipment composition , open platform and MES functional features as well as the integration method are emphasized .

  29. 通过开放平台,网站不仅能提供对Web网页的简单访问,还可以进行复杂的数据交互,将它们的Web网站转换为与操作系统等价的开发平台。

    Through an open platform , it will not only provide easy access to the Web page , can also perform complex data exchange , and it makes their Web site to be a development platform , which is equivalent to the operating system .

  30. 基于存储区域网络(storageareanetwork,SAN)异构机共享文件系统正是为实现开放平台和大型机对存储资源的共享访问而设计的。

    SAN-based Shared File System for Dissimilar Systems is designed just for realizing shared access of resource between Open Systems and Mainframes . The system has two networks : one is SAN ( Storage Area Network ), and the other is LAN ( Local Area Network ) .