
  • 网络Kailuan Coal Mine;Colliery
  1. 结论:遗传因素在开滦煤矿汉族人群原发性高血压发病中起重要作用,AGT基因可能是其重要易感基因之一。

    CONCLUSION : Hereditary factor plays an important role in the development of EH and AGT gene may be one of the most key susceptibility genes of EH in Han populations of Kailuan coal mine .

  2. 开滦煤矿岩溶陷落柱的发育特征及规律研究

    A Study on Karstic Subsided Column Development Characteristics and Regular Patterns

  3. 开滦煤矿安全事故的灰色关联分析与趋势预测

    The grey interrelation analysis and tend prediction on the safety accident in Kailuan Coal Mine

  4. 唐山地震开滦煤矿井巷工程的震害

    Damage to structures and installations in the underground excavations of the Kailuan colliery during the Tangshan earthquake

  5. 开滦煤矿是中国近代经济史上最具典型意义的一个煤矿企业。

    The Kailuan Coal Mine is the one of the most famous enterprises in Chinese modern history .

  6. 为此,开滦煤矿唐山矿新研制了一种应用于皮带运输机的、双臂全断面煤流自动取样机。

    Thus the Tangshan Administration of KMA developed a new type of double arm-full section-auto sampling machine used in coal flow sampling on a belt conveyer .

  7. 经多方调查研究,结合现行可靠设备和开滦煤矿实际,综合利用研究开发一套可以满足需要的铁路道口信号自动防护系统。

    Combining with the current situation of the railroad signal system , it expounds the conditions of the preventive repair of the railway ′ s signal equipment .

  8. 近代开滦煤矿在其生产经营繁荣的背后,矿难却是频发不断、难以遏止,矿难造成的惨重伤亡更是让人触目惊心。

    Behind the prosperous production and management of modern Kailuan Mines , coal calamities broke out constantly and were hard to stop , and the heavy casualties were astonishing .

  9. 以开滦煤矿的人-机-环境系统为研究对象,运用灰色系统理论,结合煤矿生产实际,对煤矿事故与其相关因素进行了灰色关联分析;

    The article takes the man-machine environment system in Kailuan Coal Mines as the object of study to make the grey interrelation analysis for coal mine accidents and related factors by integrating the Grey System Theory with actual coal mine production .

  10. 开滦矿区煤矿安全相关性分析及趋势预测

    Analysis and tendency prediction of coal mine safety relativity in Kailuan Mining Area

  11. 开滦矿区煤矿综合防治水技术理论与实践

    Theory and practice of comprehensive mine water prevention and control technology for mines in Kailuan Mining Area

  12. 文章主要介绍了开滦赵各庄煤矿的矿井提升信号系统的PLC改造,以及改造取得的效果。

    The writer introduce the technological transformation of the existing system based on the PLC and the effection .