
  • 网络shengsi islands
  1. 嵊泗列岛桥港景旅游联动发展模式与对策

    Tourism Developing Pattern and Countermeasures of the Bridge-Seaport-Scenery Co-development on the Shengsi Islands and Islets

  2. 嵊泗列岛潮间带群落生态学研究Ⅲ.岩相潮间带底栖生物的种类分布

    Community ecology of intertidal zone of Shengsi Islands ⅲ . species distribution of benthos in rocky intertidal zone

  3. 本文分析了嵊泗列岛岩相潮间带底栖海藻的种类组成及区系特点。

    The species constitution and flora characteristics of benthic algae in the rocky intertidal zone of Shengsi Archipelago are analyzed in the present paper .