
  • 网络Shengzhou City
  1. 嵊州市华业电声有限公司专业加工生产喇叭盆架、华司、T铁等产品,公司总部设于浙江省嵊州市。

    Shengzhou Huaye Electroustocs co. , Ltd. , producing the steel support , T steel , Loudspeaker and other products , the company is headquartered in Shengzhou City , Zhejiang Province .

  2. 另外,在为期一个月的调查中,笔者走访了嵊州市J村的二十余位念佛老太,她们中的年龄分层在六十到八十之间。

    In addition , in a one-month survey , author visited more than twenty buddha grannies in this village , their ages layered in between sixty to eighty .

  3. 在此基础上,分析目前嵊州市非木质资源经营存在的问题,提出促进非木质林产品可持续经营的策略。

    On this basis , through analyzing the current problems to propose the strategies that can promote the sustainable management of NTFPs .
