
  • 网络Zhuji City
  1. 块状经济对于城镇等级结构的影响&以浙江省诸暨市为例

    The Concentration of Economic Structure to Urban Hierarchy & A Case of Zhuji City

  2. 公司被列入诸暨市50强机床配件企业。

    Our company was elected as one of the top50 enterprises in Zhuji City .

  3. 诸暨市老城区合流制排水系统的改造

    Improvement Engineering on Combined Sewerage System in Old Urban Area of Zhuji

  4. 诸暨市农业社会化服务体系创新模式的研究

    Study on the Innovation Approaches of Agricultural Social Service System in Zhuji County

  5. 诸暨市经济林白蚁为害现状及其防治对策

    Current Situation of Termite Damage to Economic Forest and Its Control in Zhuji City

  6. 诸暨市水利会&农村小型水利工程管理模式探讨

    Exploiting a model of water commission in small rural water structures management of Zhuji City

  7. 文化的提炼空间的诠释&诸暨市新客站站前广场方案设计

    Abstraction of culture , annotation of space & The design of railway station plaza in Zhuji

  8. 诸暨市丰利机械有限公司是一家专业生产不锈钢地暖分水器。

    Is a professional production of stainless steel and warm-water separation , is a set design .

  9. 诸暨市居民生活饮用水卫生状况与肠道传染病关系调查

    A Research of the Relationship between Residents ' Drinking Water Status and Intestinal Infectious Diseases in Zhuji City

  10. 绿道理念的设计探索&以诸暨市入口段绿化景观规划设计为例

    Research on the Greenway Designing Theory-Landscape Architecture Design for the Inlet Section , Zhuji City as an Example

  11. 诸暨市大唐镇的针织品行业一直很繁荣。经历了2008年的经济危机它都恢复过来了。

    The hosiery business has been good to the entrepreneurs of Datang , who rode out the 2008 crisis and recovered .

  12. 县市域总体规划探索与实践&以浙江省诸暨市域总体规划为例

    Exploration and practices of master plan of county / city administrative region : a case study of Zhuji City in Zhejiang Province

  13. 城市更新:由无序走向有序的过程&以浙江诸暨市老城区城市更新实践为例

    Urban Renewal : from Disorderly to Orderly Process - Taking Urban Renewal Practice of Old District in Zhuji , Zhejiang as an Example

  14. 本文重点在于诸暨市暨阳街道社区人口信息化管理系统的架构选择、系统规划、任务分析与业务的设计与实现。

    This article focuses on the selection of architecture , the design of system , the analysis of task and the implementation of business .

  15. 经全面调查,确定浙江省诸暨市有古树45109株,隶属38科65属90种。

    There are 45 109 ancient trees , which belong to 38 families , 65 genus and 90 species in Zhuji City of Zhejiang Province .

  16. 浙江省诸暨市大唐镇年产750万双袜子,占全球产量的三分之一。

    Datang , a small town in Zhuji City that manufactures 7.5 billion pairs of socks a year , accounting for a third of the global output .

  17. 本文以浙江省诸暨市为例,运用地方政府软实力理论,阐述地方政府在旅游开发中的角色。

    The paper takes a case of Zhuji city , in Zhejiang , uses the soft power of local government competition theory to illustrate the role of local governments in tourism development .

  18. 鉴于对区域中小企业竞争力研究的缺乏,本文以诸暨市中小型企业为研究对象探讨中小企业竞争力影响因素及对策。

    In view of the deficiency of the competitiveness research for regional SMEs , the paper investigates the factors affecting the competitiveness of SMEs targeting at SMEs in Zhuji and proposes some countermeasures .

  19. 诸暨市剑灵机械厂是一家专业生产手控阀、刹车总泵、继动阀、离合器助力器、空气干燥器、弹簧制动室等汽车配件的企业。

    Zhuji City , Jian-Ling Machinery Factory is a company specialized in production of auto parts such as manual valve , master cylinder , relay valve , clutch booster , air dryer and spring brake chamber .

  20. 但经过五、六年的建设实践,诸暨市在新农村建设中也遇到了许多问题和困难,有的甚至在一定程度上制约了诸暨新农村建设的发展。

    During the 5-6 years ' development and practice in building new countryside , Zhuji has also encountered many difficulties and problems , some of which restricted the process of new countryside construction in the city to the certain extent .

  21. 本研究于1987~1988年在诸暨市林木良种繁育站进行。

    The study was made at Improved Variety Breeding Station of Forest Tree of Zhuji City in 1987-1988 . The damaged buds of chestnut , the densities and development of the gall wasp were investigated by means of selecting standard trees and standard branches .

  22. 1990年在诸暨市采集113对母、婴血,其母、婴麻疹抗体阴性率均为31.0%。

    The measles antibodies of 113 pairs of serum samples from mothers and infants collected in Zhuji city were detected by the HI test in 1990 . The results showed that the negative rates of HI antibody were both 31.0 % for mothers and infants .