
  1. 诸子学研究与胡适的疑古辨伪学

    On Research of the School of Zhu Zi and Hu Shi 's Yi Gu

  2. 在清代学术史上,诸子学是十分重要的学术分支。

    In the academic history of the Qing Dynasty , " Zhuzi Xue " is an important branch .

  3. 晚清时期,随着中国社会发生的巨大变化,诸子学的复兴成为不可逆转之势。

    In late Qing dynasty its revival was a kind of tendency that couldn 't be turned back with the great change in Chinese society .

  4. 乾嘉诸子学研究包含了对中国传统思想文化进行重新评价和学统重建的意图,具有了近代指向的文化意义。

    The study includes the re - evaluation of Chinese traditional cultural concepts and the re - building of academic tradition , which is of cultural significance of modem orientation .

  5. 在近代经学衰落、诸子学复兴的学术格局转化过程中,有着共同学术渊源的国粹派们,形成了别具一格的文化理念。

    Study in modern times by the decline of academic philosophers and study the pattern of transformation of rejuvenation process , share a common academic of Guo cui sent to send their roots , forming a unique cultural ideas .

  6. 本论文根据先秦诸子学研究的已有成果,针对目前学术界对先秦杂家研究不足和认识、分类上的分歧,首先从目录学的历史考证入手,对先秦杂家进行了重新的界定。

    This thesis , based on the acquired studies of pre-Qin philosophers ' learning , the present research inadequacy and also the academic divergence , endeavors to offer a new definition for the pre-Qin Eclectics , beginning with the historical textual research on bibliography .

  7. 在先秦诸子之学中,墨学可谓独具一格。

    Among the schools in Pre-Qin dynasty , Mohist was very unique one .

  8. 虽然先秦诸子之学逐渐衰退,但涌现出了桓谭、王符等一批新思想家。

    Although Pre-Qin scholars gradually decline , but the emergence of Huan Tan , Wang Fu , a batch of new thinker .

  9. 巫:天使在人间&关于先秦诸子的发生学思考

    The Witch : Angel of the World & a reflection of the embryology of scholars of the pre-Qin Dynasty

  10. 从研究现状来看,有两个方面的不足:一方面是对先秦诸子缺少作发生学意义上的研究;即便偶有涉足,也往往语焉不详。

    There are two disadvantages based on current research . One is the lack of research from the vision of the Genesis . Even sometimes involved , but not elaborate .